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  1. 23 gen 2019 · Labour Party Manifesto 2010 Building the high-growth economy of the future. The challenge for Britain. To secure the recovery and learn the right lessons from the global economic crisis, laying the foundations for sustained growth: reforming banks, modernising infrastructure, and as we pay down the deficit, providing the right support to the private sector to build a diverse, high-tech ...

  2. 13 giu 2024 · Labour’s manifesto for change is a plan to kickstart economic growth by reforming Britain’s economy and bring about a decade of renewal. This manifesto is an ambitious programme driven by belief in our country and its potential for the future. It is the change the country needs.

  3. 24 mag 2024 · Labour’s New Deal for Working People is our plan to make work pay. It’s how we’ll boost wages, make work more secure and support working people to thrive – delivering a genuine living wage, banning exploitative zero hour contracts, and ending fire and rehire.

  4. 23 gen 2019 · Labour Party Manifesto 2010 General Election Introduction. The argument of this Manifesto is that to deliver a future fair for all we need to rebuild our economy, protect and reform our public services as we strengthen our society and renew our politics.

  5. The body of a manifesto usually breaks the party’s policies down into a number of key areas. The Labour Party manifesto in 2010 was called A future fair for all, and its contents were grouped into three main areas – “Rebuilding our economy”, “Protecting public services and strengthening

  6. 12 apr 2010 · 4. The Labour Party Manifesto 2010 Introduction The argument of this Manifesto to the world as it was then. Parliament properly accountable. is that to deliver a future fair We changed our party so that In all these decisions, we offer for all we need to rebuild our it connected to the hopes and progressive solutions in tough economy, protect and reform aspirations of the British people.

  7. 23 gen 2019 · Labour Manifesto 2010 : 50 steps to a future fair for all Foreword from Gordon Brown This General Election is fought as our troops are bravely fighting to defend the safety of the British people and the security of the world in Afghanistan.