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  1. 17 ore fa · 1976–77 →. The 1975–76 UEFA Cup was the fifth season of the UEFA Cup, the third-tier club football competition organised by UEFA. The final was played over two legs at Anfield, Liverpool, England and at the Olympiastadion, Bruges, Belgium. It was won by Liverpool of England, who defeated Club Brugge of Belgium by an aggregate result of 4 ...

    • 14 September 1975 – 19 May 1976
    • Liverpool (2nd title)
  2. Inserite le note mancanti in corrispndenza di ogni "a capo" (fin dal primo). Aggiungete alcuni a capo nei blocchi di testo troppo lunghi. Potete riutilizzare più volte le stesse note. Nel template iniziale, 2 link (Monticelli e Cattolica) sono ambigui, correggeteli. Inoltre inserite un'immagine copiandone il nome nel campo "immagine".

  3. 17 ore fa · Een sliet is een ‘af­ge­hou­wen en van de tak­ken ont­da­ne, recht op­ge­scho­ten dun­ne stam, m.n. van hak­hout’. Definities 2 en 3 wijzen op twee functies ervan: als je slieten dwars over de balken van de schuur legt, kun je er dingen op bewaren, en je kunt er de dieren in de stal mee van elkaar scheiden.

  4. 17 ore fa · Die Liste nennt – chronologisch nach ihrem Amtsantritt – alle derzeit amtierenden Staatsoberhäupter der souveränen Staaten der Welt. Einige der Herrscher (zum Beispiel in Brunei) waren schon vor dem genannten Amtsantritt im Amt. In diesem Fall bezieht sich das Datum des Amtsantritts auf das Datum der Unabhängigkeit des Staates.

  5. 17 ore fa · いまだに壺朝鮮人統一教会自公維新が日本人だと勘違いしている「平和ボケ日本人」。ここまで露骨に日本人だけを重税虐殺し、外国人を大量に密航移住させて日本人の税金から年間600万円以上を支給し、日本人にはクルド人を使って「さっさと中国に移住しろ」と脅しているのです。

  6. › wiki › 毛沢東毛沢東 - Wikipedia

    17 ore fa · 1976年 1月8日の周恩来死去をきっかけに、同年4月5日、第一次天安門事件が発生すると、毛は鄧小平を再度失脚させた。 周恩来・朱徳(1976年 7月6日 没)と、「革命の元勲」が立て続けにこの世を去るなか、1976年9月9日0時10分、北京の 中南海 にある自宅において、毛沢東は82歳で死去した [32] [33 ...

  7. 23 mag 2024 · After completing this chapter, you should be able to: Explain the motives for service firms‘entry into foreign service markets. Outline the market selection process. Explain the criteria service firms usually use to select foreign markets. Identify and classify different entry modes. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each entry mode.