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  1. Aleksander Fredro ( Surochów, 20 giugno 1793 – Leopoli, 15 luglio 1876) è stato un commediografo e poeta polacco .

  2. Aleksander FredroAleksander Fredro herbu własnego (ur. 20 czerwca 1793 w Surochowie koło Jarosławia, zm. 15 lipca 1876 we Lwowie) – polski hrabia, komediopisarz, pamiętnikarz, poeta, ziemianin, oficer, wolnomularz, tworzył w epoce romantyzmu. Uważany jest za najwybitniejszego komediopisarza w historii literatury polskiej.

  3. Aleksander Fredro (20 June 1793 – 15 July 1876) was a Polish poet, playwright and author active during Polish Romanticism in the period of partitions by neighboring empires. His works including plays written in the octosyllabic verse and in prose (Damy i Huzary) as well as fables, belong to the canon of Polish literature

  4. 4 mar 2024 · Aleksander Fredro was a major Polish playwright, poet, and author of memoirs whose work is remarkable for its brilliant characterization, ingenious construction, and skillful handling of verse metres.

  5. FREDRO, Aleksander Giovanni MAVER Commediografo polacco, nato da famiglia nobile il 20 luglio 1793 (la data però non è del tutto sicura) a Suchorów nella Galizia orientale, morto a Leopoli il 15 luglio 1876.

  6. DAL VOCABOLARIO. LEMMI CORRELATI. Drammaturgo polacco (Surochów, Jarosław, 1793 - Leopoli 1876). Salda costruzione di tipo classico, vivacità di dialogo, senso umoristico, spirito e contenuto nazionale (anche se di tinta regionale galiziana) caratterizzano le opere di F., il più grande commediografo polacco.

  7. A count and comic playwright, writer of fables and memoirs, poet. Born on the 20th of June 1793, at the foot of the Carpathian Mountains in Surochów near Przemyśl to a wealthy noble family, died in Lviv on the 15th of July 1876.