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  1. 2 giorni fa · Esclusiva True, Geopolitics, Politics, Primo Piano. A due settimane dal tragico attentato a Mosca, arrivano nuove notizie a riguardo. L’attacco terroristico era stato segnalato dagli statunitensi con largo anticipo. ha intervistato il giornalista e scrittore Roberto Vivaldelli.

    • Politics

      Enrico Letta scende in campo e porta all’attenzione...

    • Pharma

      True Blabla. Chi dopo Mazzotta? Tre nomi (più uno) AIFA: via...

    • Rientro a scuola

      Il sottosegretario Frassinetti a True News: "Non c'è intento...

    • Economy

      Perché leggere questo articolo? Ci sono conduttori che...

    • Sotto la lente

      Esclusiva True, Primo Piano, Stories. Direttore...

    • Sports

      Le schermaglie in Serie A sono solo all’inizio. Leggi....

  2. › wiki › Walt_WhitmanWalt Whitman - Wikipedia

    4 giorni fa · Poet. essayist. journalist. Signature. Walter Whitman Jr. ( / ˈhwɪtmən /; May 31, 1819 – March 26, 1892) was an American poet, essayist, and journalist. He is considered one of the most influential poets in American literature. Whitman incorporated both transcendentalism and realism in his writings and is often called the father of free ...

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    • March 26, 1892 (aged 72), Camden, New Jersey, U.S.
  3. 3 giorni fa · The proposition (p & q) is true if both p is true and q is true; it is false if either p is false or q is false (or both): (T & T) = T, (T & F) = F, (F & T) = F, (F & F) = F. The operation & is sometimes represented by a wedge (∧) or the word "and."

  4. 2 giorni fa · If one of the premises is true, the other must be false: It is logically impossible for both to be true. Hence, any argument that stems from them cannot be sound—since, even if it is valid, it will have a false premise. Generally, the fallacy of inconsistency occurs whenever the premises cannot all be true—as a matter of logic.

  5. 1 giorno fa · Truth-tellers and liars problems (also called Knights and Knaves problems) are logic puzzles in which a set of statements is provided, but some of the statements are true and some of the statements are false.

  6. 4 giorni fa · Grande Fratello, finalmente anche l’edizione 2024 è giunta a (in)degna conclusione. Ha vinto Perla Vatiero, già nota come cornuta di Temptation Island, lasciando al secondo posto la trionfatrice annunciata Beatrice Luzzi, attrice della soap Vivere.

  7. 5 giorni fa · Albert Einstein, the brilliant physicist and Nobel laureate, revolutionized our understanding of the universe with his theory of relativity and became a symbol of genius that continues to inspire minds worldwide.