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  1. 3 giorni fa · Ecco allora che American Gothic si illumina nel suoi significati più profondi: l'architettura rurale come scenario per un perfetto romanzo di formazione americana, la mutua assistenza tra padre e ...

  2. 3 giorni fa · Quando apparve per la prima volta in mostra all'American Art Institute di Chicago, l'olio “American Gothic” di Grant Wood suscitò immediatamente una certa diffidenza: che cosa volevano dire quelle due figure allampanate, dipinte in primo piano di fronte a una casa con evidenti rimandi all'architettura gotica?

  3. 5 giorni fa · About the Rise of Gothic Fiction; A Gothic Timeline; Gothic Fiction from the 18th Century to the Romantics. English Gothic Fiction: 1764-1832 ; American Gothic Fiction: 1764-1832 ; Wieland, 1798; Ormond, 1799; Edgar Huntly, 1799; Arthur Mervyn, 1799 & Jane Talbot, 1801; Julia, and the Illuminated Baron, 1800 & Dorval; or, The ...

    • Jennifer Ferguson
    • 2018
  4. 5 giorni fa · About the Rise of Gothic Fiction; A Gothic Timeline; Gothic Fiction from the 18th Century to the Romantics. English Gothic Fiction: 1764-1832 ; American Gothic Fiction: 1764-1832 ; Gothic Fiction in the Victorian Era. English Gothic Fiction: 1833-1901 ; American Gothic Fiction: 1833-1901 ; Gothic Fiction in the Early 20th Century ...

    • Jennifer Ferguson
    • 2018
  5. 5 giorni fa · Gothic fiction, sometimes called Gothic horror (primarily in the 20th century), is a loose literary aesthetic of fear and haunting. The name refers to Gothic architecture of the European Middle Ages, which was characteristic of the settings of early Gothic novels.

  6. 5 giorni fa · A Gothic Timeline. Gothic Trends and Topics; Gothic Fiction in Historical Context; Gothic Fiction from the 18th Century to the Romantics. English Gothic Fiction: 1764-1832 ; American Gothic Fiction: 1764-1832 ; Gothic Fiction in the Victorian Era. English Gothic Fiction: 1833-1901 ; American Gothic Fiction: 1833-1901 ; Gothic Fiction ...

  7. 3 giorni fa · « American Gothic », de Grant Wood : un tableau montrant la paysannerie américaine au moment de la Grande Dépression. D’un réalisme puissant, cette peinture évoquant les campagnes américaines de la Grande Dépression en 1930 a dépassé les frontières des États-Unis, et sa notoriété a sans doute éclipsé celle de son auteur.

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