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    relativo a: Ante Pavelić
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  1. 4 giorni fa · Ante Pavelić (Croatian pronunciation: [ǎːnte pǎʋelit͡ɕ] ⓘ; 14 July 1889 – 28 December 1959) was a Croatian politician who founded and headed the fascist ultranationalist organization known as the Ustaše in 1929 and was dictator of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH), a fascist puppet state built out of parts of ...

  2. 29 ago 2024 · Il 10 aprile 1941, pochi giorni prima della capitolazione della Jugoslavia, lo Stato Indipendente di Croazia (NDH) di Ante Pavelić fu istituito come Stato affiliato all'Asse, con capitale Zagabria. [207] Tra il 1941 e il 1945 il regime fascista degli ustascia collaborò con la Germania nazista e perseguitò i nemici anche in modo ...

  3. › wiki › UstašeUstaše - Wikipedia

    2 giorni fa · Poglavnik Ante Pavelić and Italy's Duce Benito Mussolini on 18 May 1941 in Rome. The Ustaše were heavily influenced by Italian Fascism and politically supported by Fascist Italy. Germany's Führer Adolf Hitler with Pavelić at the Berghof outside Berchtesgaden, Germany.

  4. 27 ago 2024 · Luburić joined Ante Pavelić's Ustaše movement in 1931, left Yugoslavia the following year and relocated to Hungary. Following the Axis invasion of Yugoslavia and the establishment of the NDH with Pavelić at its head, Luburić returned to the Balkans.

  5. 3 giorni fa · Već 15. travnja 1941. - baš na dan kada je u Zagreb doputovao i vlast preuzeo Ante Pavelić - osnovan je prvi ustaški sabirni i koncentracijski logor Danica, [29] a 17. travnja donesena je Zakonska odredba za obranu naroda i države, čija dva najvažnija člana glase: "1.

  6. 3 giorni fa · Of the independent states, Great Croatia, ruled by Ante Pavelić’s nationalist Ustaše (“Insurgents”), and Montenegro were Italian spheres of influence, although German troops still occupied the eastern part

  7. 5 giorni fa · Ante Pavelić Ante Pavelić (centre right) greeting Adolf Hitler at the Berghof (Hitler's chalet) in Berchtesgaden, Germany, June 9, 1941. (more) War broke out soon after the Sporazum was signed, and Yugoslavia declared its neutrality. Invasion, occupation, and partition followed in 1941.

  1. Annuncio

    relativo a: Ante Pavelić
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