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    relativo a: At Newport '63 Lambert, Hendricks & Ross
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  1. At Newport '63 is an album by the jazz vocalese group Lambert, Hendricks & Bavan recorded at the 1963 Newport Jazz Festival. The album features the group who had re-formed in 1963 featuring Dave Lambert and Jon Hendricks , with Yolande Bavan replacing Annie Ross who had left the group in 1962.

  2. 11 mar 2022 · 00:00 A1. One O'Clock Jump02:58 A2. Watermelon Man08:29 A3. Sack O' Woe12:26 A4. Deedle-Lee Deedle-Lum18:10 B1. Gimme That Wine21:31 B2. Yeh Yeh27:31 B...

    • 39 min
    • 610
  3. Lambert, Hendricks & Ross è stato un trio musicale jazz statunitense attivo tra la fine degli anni '50 ed i primi anni '60.

  4. Lambert, Hendricks & Ross were an American vocalese trio formed by jazz vocalists Dave Lambert, Jon Hendricks and Annie Ross. From 1962 to 1964, Ross was replaced by vocalist Yolande Bavan. [1] History. The group formed in 1957 and recorded their first album Sing a Song of Basie (1958) for ABC-Paramount Records.

  5. 1 giu 1999 · Part of RCA Victor's new Classic Edition series (featuring improved sound and original cover art), Live at Newport '63 proves to be a rhapsodic moment captured on tape that at the time provided evidence that the loss of Annie Ross was anything but the demise of the group.

    • C. Andrew Hovan
  6. At Newport '63 by Lambert, Hendricks & Bavan released in 1963. Find album reviews, track lists, credits, awards and more at AllMusic.

  7. LP, Album. Explore the tracklist, credits, statistics, and more for At Newport '63 by Lambert, Hendricks & Bavan. Compare versions and buy on Discogs.

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    Risparmi su lambert hendricks & ross. CD, Vinili & molto altro