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  1. 8 ore fa · Netflix har forsøgt sig med at animere bogen, de har gjort det med fri fortolkning og det har de gjort virkelig godt

  2. 8 ore fa · Buster in Piška se, v tednu izbirnih, vpišeta na lunimet, Babs in Repko pa izbereta Osnove nakovala. Tako Šunki ostane sam s svojo neodločnostjo.

  3. 8 ore fa · Comedy Bang! Bang! (formerly Comedy Death-Ray Radio) is a weekly comedy audio podcast, which originally began airing as a radio show on May 1, 2009. Popularly known as Humanity and the Animal Kingdom's Podcast, it is hosted by writer and comedian Scott Aukerman, best known for his work on the 1990s HBO sketch comedy program Mr. Show with Bob and David, creating and hosting the Comedy Bang!