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Bite Club is an Australian crime thriller television series which aired on the Nine Network from 15 August to 3 October 2018. The show centres around a group of shark attack survivors, named the "Bite Club", who are being targeted by a serial killer.
After surviving a shark attack, homicide detectives Dan Cooper and Zoe Rawlings join forces to hunt the ultimate predator - a serial killer who is also hunting them. Not only are they survivors but also ex-lovers. Exceptional at what they do, together they're a force like no other.
Serie Crime / Thriller (1 stagione, 8 episodi) creato nel 2018 su Nine Network. Dove guardare la serie TV Bite Club in streaming online? | BetaSeries.com Two detectives who survive a shark attack, join forces to hunt a serial killer that is also hunting them.
Bite Club: With Todd Lasance, Ash Ricardo, Damian Walshe-Howling, Deborah Mailman. Follows a group of shark attack survivors, who are being targeted by a serial killer.
Año: 2018. Título original: Bite Club. Sinopsis: Dos detectives que sobreviven al ataque de un tiburón unen fuerzas para encontrar a un asesino en serie que también les está persiguiendo. (FILMAFFINITY)Puedes ver Bite Club (Serie de TV) mediante Suscripción en las plataformas: Movistar Plus+ Ficción Total ,Movistar Plus+
- (31)
- Australia
- Bruce Young
- Michael Yezerski
A serial killer targets a group of shark attack survivors who call themselves the Bite Club, causing two detectives to reunite and find the killer.
Bite Club is an Australian crime thriller television series which aired on the Nine Network from 15 August to 3 October 2018. The show centres around a group of shark attack survivors, named the "Bite Club", who are being targeted by a serial killer.