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  1. 29 ott 2019 · E’ uscito al Cinema nel 2018. Day of the dead: bloodline è un film di genere Horror diretto da Hèctor Hernández Vicens. In questo remake del classico del 1985 “Il giorno degli zombie”, il mondo si trova a dover fare i conti con uno scenario post apocalittico; un’epidemia letale ha trasformato buona parte della popolazione mondiale in zombie.

  2. Recensione su Day of the Dead: Bloodline (2018) di undying | Leggi la recensione di undying su Day of the Dead: Bloodline film diretto da Hèctor Hernández Vicens con Sophie Skelton, Johnathon Schaech, Jeff Gum, Marcus Vanco

  3. A Sandra (Francesca Faiella) e al suo collega Marco (Marco Benevento) viene richiesto un servizio sul backstage di un set di un film pornografico "d'autore" come ricatto per non essere licenziati : tutto sarebbe normale routine giornalistica, se la location non fosse quello dove, 15 anni prima, venne uccisa la sorella di Sandra (Monica Citarda) da un serial killer chiamato “Il Chirurgo”.

  4. 16 mag 2021 · Bloodline is certainly a stylish film when it needs to be, but that can’t rescue it from its script. You could pick a much worse film for your night’s viewing, but Bloodline never manages to rise much above average. Momentum Pictures will release Bloodline in theatres, on-demand and digital on September 20 th.

  5. 5 gen 2018 · It’s not. Advertisement. “Day of the Dead: Bloodline” feels like one of those zombie flicks that was slightly tweaked here and there to resemble the 1985 Romero film but could have started life as any sort of flick featuring brain-eaters. The shared DNA with Romero’s flick is in two key aspects of this new work—the setting of a remote ...

  6. 20 set 2019 · Seeing a low-budget film with this much visual gusto is refreshing, and I enjoyed the way Jacobson and his team used color and shadows throughout the film. It has a strong visual language that often makes up for its lack of narrative thrust. Until it can’t anymore. The final act of “Bloodline” requires Jacobson and co-writers Avra Fox ...

  7. Cast completo Day of the Dead: Bloodline (2018) | Guarda l'elenco di attori e registi del film diretto da Hèctor Hernández Vicens con Sophie Skelton, Johnathon Schaech, Jeff Gum, Marcus Vanco