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  1. 3 giorni fa · England, World War II. Quint Munroe, RAF officer and new leader of a Mosquito squadron, is tasked with destroying a secret Nazi base in France while trying to overcome the disappearance of a brother-in-arms.

    • Boris Sagal
    • 15
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  2. 2 giorni fa · This adaptation, directed by Boris Sagal, examines themes of loneliness, perseverance, and the drive to reclaim a fractured existence. Why you might like it: The Omega Man is a must-watch for I Am Legend fans, as it explores similar themes of solitary endurance and the quest for a cure.

  3. 2 giorni fa · Robert Francis Vaughn (November 22, 1932 – November 11, 2016) was an American actor and political activist, whose career in film, television and theater spanned nearly six decades. [ 1 ] . He was a Primetime Emmy Award winner, and was nominated for the Academy Award, the BAFTA Award and four times for the Golden Globe Award.

  4. 5 giorni fa · L'ex primo ministro britannico, Boris Johnson, voleva invadere l'Olanda per 5 milioni di dosi di vaccino contro il Covid: lo ha rivelato nel suo libro.

  5. 2 giorni fa · Guns of Diablo. (1964) Linc Murdock begeleidt een groep kolonisten naar het westen. Tijdens een tussenstop in Devilscup komt hij zijn voormalige liefde Maria tegen, die hij dacht vermoord te zijn door de Macklin-broers.

  6. 4 giorni fa · L'Europa centrale si trova in ginocchio a causa della tempesta Boris, tra forti piogge e inondazioni. A breve il suo arrivo in Italia.

  7. 5 giorni fa · LONDRA - L'ex Primo Ministro britannico Boris Johnson ordinò ai capi militari di pianificare un raid in una fabbrica olandese nel marzo 2021 per ottenere 5 milioni di dosi di vaccino...