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  1. › tvorca › 4512-cara-buonoCara Buono | Č

    Biografia (1) Cara Buono je americká televizní, filmová a divadelní herečka, ale také filmová producentka, režisérka a scenáristka, která vyrůstala se svými dvěma bratry a jednou sestrou v newyorské čtvrti Bronx. Její italští rodiče Rosemary a Antony Buono pracovali jako dělníci, a proto neměli mnoho peněz, aby dopřáli ...

  2. 17 nov 2023 · Why Cara Buono’s Narrative Resonates with Fans and Colleagues Alike. Cara Buono writes her own narrative, one that resonates not just with her fans but also with her colleagues. It’s a narrative laced with the threads of reality, ambition, and the human condition, proving that beneath it all, she remains as relatable as the girl next door.

  3. Cara Buono (lahir 1 Maret 1974) adalah seorang aktris asal Amerika Serikat. Dia di kenal karena perannya sebagai Dr. Faye Miller di musim keempat serial drama AMC , Mad Men , [1] [2] sebagai Kelli Moltisanti di musim keenam The Sopranos , sebagai Linda Salvo dalam film komedi 2006, Artie Lange's Beer League dan sebagai Karen Wheeler dalam serial sci-fi horor Netflix , Stranger Things (2016 ...

  4. Biography. As a young girl growing up in New York City, Cara Buono took her family's blue-collar work ethic and began to turn it into an acting career that would later lead not only to starring roles but to screenwriting and directing. With no help from friends, family or mentors, she went out on her own, picked up a trade paper, saw an ad for ...

  5. 10 gen 2021 · Cara Buono ha due fratelli e una sorella e i genitori sono italiani. – Si è laureata (in 3 anni!) alla Columbia University, e ha una doppia specializzazione in inglese e scienze politiche.

  6. 3 apr 2023 · Cara Buono, 49, has appeared in the hit Netflix series since it first premiered in 2016, playing Nancy, Mike and Holly’s mum Karen

  7. 15 dic 2023 · Cara Buono altezza. L’attrice è alta 1,60 m ma il peso rimane sconosciuto. Cara Buono fisico. La Buono è un’attrice dalla presenza elegante e affascinante. Con capelli castani e occhi espressivi, il suo viso riflette un mix di grazia e determinazione.