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  1. 25 dic 2007 · Dec 25, 2007. #2. First of all, that's not Italian. The most similar word to that one is boccato which in fact is an adjective and means "with a big mouth". Still, that expression is also used in Spanish and it is supposed to mean Bocado (hence the confusion, remember that Lorca is Spanish) de cardenales. That is, something exquisite, that ...

  2. 21 nov 2009 · Nov 21, 2009. #2. You choose in or on according to context. One says, on the coast, and therefore, on the east coast. The direction does not affect the preposition. You can use "in" if describing an interior - eg in the East, or in the Northern wastes. D.

  3. 22 ott 2007 · Swedish, too, tends to merge prepositions and cardinal directions as in your examples, but we also have 2 (or 3 if you want) versions of the name of east direction. Obviously, that is not the case for Norwegian. So, have Norwegian lost a form, or has Swedish created a new? I still don't know.

  4. 30 ott 2017 · Oct 31, 2017. #17. Regarding Romanian I confirm that the terms Nord/Sud/Est/Vest are neologisms, most probably imported from French (or German) in XIX century. The historical Romanian names for these cardinal points are: nord = ' miazănoapte ' < Lat. mediam noctem. sud = ' miazăzi ' < Lat. mediam diem.

  5. 7 lug 2018 · The exception might be if the teacher is worried that the student might not understand the numbers -- if the student is a language learners, for instance. In that case the teacher might say the cardinal forms the second time to be sure that the student understands. (The vowel in '-five' is clearer than the vowel in '-fifth'.)

  6. 12 dic 2007 · Dec 12, 2007. #3. Hello, Cardinal means of primary importance, i.e. these are the main obligations, the most important obligations. Hope it helps!

  7. 21 set 2006 · Jan 13, 2016. #12. Con frecuencia se utiliza el palabro Hashtag del inglés hash, almohadilla o numeral y tag, etiqueta. la RAE recoge en su última edicción. Almohadilla Telec Símbolo (#), parecido al sostenido, utilizado en telecomunicaciones. Numeral m. Arg. y Ur. almohadilla (‖ símbolo utilizado en telecomunicaciones) Yo le sigo ...

  8. 16 feb 2009 · Un número arábigo es un símbolo. Un número cardinal es un concepto, el concepto de una cantidad de cosas enteras. Además de los cardinales que pueden escribirse con arábigos o romanos, hay números cardinales como lo que se llama "alef cero", el número cardinal de todos los números romanos (incluso p.ej. MCMLXXVIII).

  9. 1 dic 2015 · This seems a really trivial question, but I've had this nagging thought in the back of my head. Many years ago, when I was first taught what is known to academics as cardinal numerals (or just 'numbers') in English, I'm sure the almighty teacher said clearly you write "twenty-one" or "ninety-nine", not "twenty one" or "ninety nine".

  10. 10 gen 2013 · How could it be a quantifier? Ordinal numbers don't affect the quantity of the nouns they modify. I think maybe the confusion is that cardinal numbers act like determiners in English. It feels more like an adjective to me; having more than one determiner on a noun seems strange (though I guess there are phrases like "the one time I stayed home").