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  1. Charles Lyell (Kinnordy, 14 novembre 1797 – Londra, 22 febbraio 1875) è stato un geologo britannico. Nel suo capolavoro Principi di geologia ( Principles of Geology ), sviluppò nella sua versione definitiva la teoria dell' uniformitarismo , concepita inizialmente da James Hutton , ponendo le basi della moderna geologia .

  2. Sir Charles Lyell, 1st Baronet, FRS (14 November 1797 – 22 February 1875) was a Scottish geologist who demonstrated the power of known natural causes in explaining the earth's history.

  3. 22 mar 2024 · Charles Lyell, Scottish geologist largely responsible for the general acceptance of the view that all features of the Earth’s surface are produced by physical, chemical, and biological processes through long periods of geological time. His achievements laid the foundations for evolutionary biology.

  4. Principi di geologia (in inglese Principles of Geology) è un trattato scritto da Charles Lyell, pubblicato nel 1830. Nel testo l'autore sostiene che la Terra non fosse stata creata così come la vediamo, in forma definitiva, ma era costantemente soggetta a cambiamenti.

  5. For the first one or two billion years of Earth’s history, plate tectonics didn’t even exist as we know it today. Lyell had an equally profound effect on our understanding of life’s history. He influenced Darwin so deeply that Darwin envisioned evolution as a sort of biological uniformitarianism.

  6. Enciclopedia on line. Geologo scozzese (Kinnordy 1797 - Londra 1875), figlio di Charles. Può essere considerato il fondatore della geologia moderna: nella sua opera fondamentale Principles of geology (1830-1833), L. affermò ed estese la teoria dell'attualismo per spiegare i fenomeni geologici, contrapponendola alla teoria del catastrofismo ...

  7. 19 ott 2019 · Born November 14, 1797 - Died February 22, 1875. Charles Lyell was born on November 14, 1797, in the Grampian Mountains near Forfarshire, Scotland. When Charles was only two years old, his parents relocated to Southampton, England near where his mother's family lived. Since Charles was the oldest of ten children in Lyell family, his father ...