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  1. Claudine Rhédey von Kis-Rhéde, contessa di Hohenstein (Erdőszentgyörgy, 21 settembre 1812 – Pettau, 1º ottobre 1841), è stata una nobildonna ungherese che divenne moglie del duca Alessandro di Württemberg.

  2. Countess Claudine Susanna Rhédey de Kis-Rhéde (Hungarian: Gróf kisrédei Rhédey Klaudina Zsuzsanna; 21 September 1812 – 1 October 1841) was the Hungarian wife of Duke Alexander of Württemberg. Her son, Francis, Duke of Teck, was the father of Mary of Teck, queen consort to George V of the United Kingdom.

  3. Claudine Gräfin Rhédey von Kis-Rhéde, ab 1835 Gräfin von Hohenstein, war eine ungarische Adlige und die Großmutter der britischen Königin und Kaiserin von Indien, Maria von Teck.

  4. Claudine Rhédey von Kis-Rhéde, contessa di Hohenstein, è stata una nobildonna ungherese che divenne moglie del duca Alessandro di Württemberg. Suo figlio, Francesco, duca di Teck, fu il padre di Maria di Teck, regina consorte di re Giorgio V del Regno Unito.

  5. Countess Claudine Rhédey de Kis-Rhéde (Hungarian: Rhédey Klaudia Zsuzsanna; 21 September 1812 -- 1 October 1841) was the wife of Duke Alexander of Württemberg. Her son, Francis, Duke of...

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    • KaiserinFrederick
  6. 12 nov 2018 · This makes it abundantly clear now that Elisabeth II who is the granddaughter of George V is 6.3 percent Hungarian, since she is the great-great-granddaughter of Claudine Rhédey. Opposite to the castle there is a Reformed Church.

  7. Countess Claudine Rhédey Von Kis-Rhéde was born on September 21 1812, in Transylvania, Romania. Countess passed away on October 1 1841, at age 29 in Austrian Empire, Austrian Empire. She was buried in Sângeorgiu De Pădure, Romania.