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  1. La talidomide venne introdotta nel 1957 dalla tedesca Grünenthal, col nome di Contergan, come farmaco per trattare le infezioni dell’apparato respiratorio. Emersero presto anche effetti curativi contro l’insonnia e la nausea delle gestanti. Prima di immetterlo sul mercato furono svolti test sugli animali ma non vennero inclusi animali gravidi.

  2. 19 nov 2012 · In 1972, the Contergan Foundation for Disabled People was established with the help of the federal government, which eventually accepted the financial burden of the victims’ compensation.

  3. The Contergan pension as guaranteed by law falls within the scope of the guarantee of private property. § 15(2) second sentence of the Contergan Foundation Act, which governs deductions, constitutes a determination of the content and limits of property and interferes with the property rights of affected persons.

  4. 21 nov 2019 · Il Thalomid è il nome commerciale di un farmaco il cui principio attivo è il Talidomide. Verso la fine degli anni ’50 il farmaco venne promosso e commercializzato, col nome di DISTAVAL, come sedativo, e per diminuire ansia e attacchi di panico, nonché sbalzi di umore e insonnia. Sulla carta, presentava ottima efficacia e effetti ...

  5. Widukind Lenz. Widukind Lenz (4 February 1919, Eichenau, Bavaria – 25 February 1995) was a distinguished German pediatrician, medical geneticist and dysmorphologist who was among the first to recognize the thalidomide syndrome in 1961 and alert the world to the dangers of limb and other malformations due to the mother's exposure to this drug ...

  6. 18 apr 2021 · Thalidomide was a sedative drug discovered at the end of the fifties, which caused a worldwide tragedy. The drug, which was also sold under the brand names Contergan and Thalomid, was prescribed ...

  7. Conterganová aféra označuje negatívny dopad používania lieku talidomidu, ktorý sa predával pod obchodným názvom Contergan. V päťdesiatych rokoch 20. storočia bol medzi tehotnými ženami používaný ako upokojujúca ( sedatívum) a uspávajúca látka ( hypnotikum) v 48 štátoch obľúbený liek na spanie - Contergan ( talidomid ).