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  1. 6 dic 2015 · Contergan started carrying warning labels in some states. Author-provided. The first reports of a new wave of deformities in children were made at a German Pediatric Society meeting in October 1960.

  2. 27 nov 2021 · 60 Jahre Contergan-Skandal: "Wir leben noch". Andrea Grunau. 27.11.2021. Eine einzige Tablette in der Schwangerschaft reichte: Etwa 10.000 Kinder kamen weltweit mit schweren Fehlbildungen zur Welt ...

  3. Thalidomide is the active substance in the drug marketed worldwide under different brands including Contergan, Distaval and Softenon. It was developed in our laboratories in 1954. When taken during a specific period in pregnancy, the substance could cause deformities in unborn children. The children affected by this substance are known as the ...

  4. Jahrhunderts: Historische Skizzen von Lebertran bis Contergan‎, transcript Verlag, →ISBN, page 256: Um die 5.000 Kinder kamen hier mit den typischen Contergan -Schädigungen zur Welt. Kaum betroffen waren dagegen Staaten wie die USA oder aber auch die DDR, in denen bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt Contergan nur wenig zum Einsatz gekommen war.

  5. all’autunno del 1961, il Contergan viene ancora considerato un buon tranquillante e sonnifero. Il 18 novembre del 1961, durante un congresso medico a Düsseldorf, il pediatra Wildukind Lenz esprime per la prima volta il sospetto che il talidomide sia responsabile dell’improvviso aumento di malformazioni neonatali.

  6. 27 nov 2021 · 11/27/2021. One pill during pregnancy was enough, resulting in thousands of children worldwide born with severe deformities. In 1961, the manufacturer took thalidomide off the market. Survivors ...

  7. La Talidomide è un farmaco entrato in commercio alla fine degli anni Cinquanta, prima come antiinfluenzale e poi come sonnifero, indicato in particolare nelle donne in gravidanza in quanto ritenuto idoneo a favorirne il sonno ed a placarne la tipica nausea. Le vittime di tale farmaco sono stati proprio i bambini nati da madri che, durante la ...