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  1. 5 giorni fa · Kings Never Die began work on their follow-up to their 2023 debut LP All The Rats, after their European tour together with Dog Eat Dog, and the result is The Life & Times, due 25 th October from Metalville Records. Although not a concept album, the album is what the title suggests. Side A, the life side, with the title track ‘The Life & Times ...

  2. 6 giorni fa · Nachdem KINGS NEVER DIE 2023 ihr Debütalbum "All The Rats" rausbrachten, begannen sie mit der Arbeit am Nachfolger "The Life & Times". Da Drummer Danny Schuler die Band verließ, um zu BIOHAZARD ...

  3. 4 giorni fa · Na de release van hun debuut-LP ‘All The Rats’ in 2023 en hun Europese tournee samen met ‘Dog Eat Dog’, begon ‘Kings Never Die’ te werken aan hun vervolgalbum. Nadat drummer Danny Schuler vertrok om terug te keren naar ‘Bioharzard’, vroeg Dan Nastasi zijn oude vriend John ‘Booge’ Milnes (Mucky Pup) om te helpen met de opnames.

  4. 4 giorni fa · Evan a rosszkedve miatt inkább csak alapjáraton hozta magát, és a gépezetet hátulról összetartó Danny Schuler sem csinált semmi extrát azt leszámítva, hogy a rá jellemző lendülettel hegesztette a ritmusokat.

  5. Ronnie could do that for us. He could have provided a spark off the bench. I'm quite sure someone will pick him up. He's a talented kid." Portland head coach Mike Schuler was less kind saying, "From what I've seen in the time he was with us, he didn't have enough overall skills." The Blazers were still responsible for paying Murphy guaranteed ...

  6. 6 giorni fa · Fußball-Kreisliga: Senci zeigt Nerven vom Punkt. 02.09.2024, 13:18 Uhr. Von: Björn Drinkmann. Hier stolpert Faruk Senci über das Bein von Etelsens Daniel Janssen. Am Ende trennten sich beide im ...

  7. › wiki › Dean_CorllDean Corll - Wikipedia

    3 giorni fa · Dean Corll - Wikipedia. Dean Arnold Corll (December 24, 1939 – August 8, 1973) was an American serial killer and sex offender who abducted, raped, tortured, and murdered a minimum of twenty-eight teenage boys and young men between 1970 and 1973 in Houston and Pasadena, Texas.