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  1. Diane CilentoBrisbane (Australia) Cairns (Australia). Biografia, filmografia, premi, trailer, news e rassegna stampa.

  2. 20 feb 2024 · Giovanna Margaret Volpe is Diane Cilento’s daughter and the sister of Jason Connery. Volpe’s mother was an Australian actress and writer. She is best known for her film roles in Tom Jones. Her role as Helen of Troy in the play Tiger at the Gates also earned her a Tony Award nomination. Giovanna Margaret’s brother is a British actor and ...

  3. Diane Cilento (Brisbane, 1933. október 5. – Cairns, 2011. október 6.) ausztráliai brit színésznő. Életpályája. Ez a szakasz egyelőre üres vagy erősen ...

  4. A talented blonde beauty with a sly, seductive smile, Diane Cilento (pronounced CHILL-en-to) was born in Brisbane, Australia to Sir Raphael and Lady Phyllis Cilento, both physicians. She went on ...

  5. Diane Cilento wurde 1932 in Brisbane als Tochter des Tropenmediziners Sir Raphael Cilento (1893–1985) und der Gynäkologin Lady Phyllis Cilento geboren. Sie studierte Schauspiel in London und New York City und debütierte 1951 in Des Königs Admiral, einem Abenteuerfilm mit Gregory Peck in der Hauptrolle. An der Seite von Michael Redgrave gab ...

  6. … sui mille percorsi del Parco nazionale del Cilento, Vallo di Diano e Alburni dal 1998 Patrimonio dell’umanità dell’Unesco, dal 1997 Riserva della biosfera. e dal 2010 primo parco nazionale italiano a diventare Geoparco. … lungo fiumi e torrenti, tra straordinarie cavità carsiche, deliziose cascate, antichi mulini

  7. Raphael Cilento i Phyllis Cilento. Parents. Raphael Cilento. Phyllis Cilento. Premis. (1r gener 2001) Medalla del Centenari. (1956) Theatre World Award. Diane Cilento (Brisbane, 5 d'octubre de 1933 - Caims, 6 d'octubre de 2011) va ser una actriu australiana.