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  1. Earl Winfield Spencer Jr. (September 20, 1888 – May 29, 1950) was a U.S. Navy pilot who served as the first commanding officer of Naval Air Station San Diego. He was the first husband of Wallis Simpson, who later married Edward VIII . Early life and military career.

  2. Nel 1916 Wallis incontrò un aviatore della marina statunitense, Earl Winfield Spencer Jr, sposandolo sei mesi dopo. Dedito all'alcol e costantemente fuori per lavoro, il primo marito di...

  3. Wallis and her first husband, Earl W. Spencer, 1918. In April 1916, Wallis met Earl Winfield Spencer Jr., a US Navy aviator, in Pensacola, Florida, while visiting her cousin Corinne Mustin. It was at this time that Wallis witnessed two airplane crashes about two weeks apart, resulting in a lifelong fear of flying.

  4. 8 nov 2021 · She left Baltimore in April 1916, and it was through Corinne’s husband that she would meet her future first husband – Earl Winfield Spencer Jr, known as Win. She wrote to her mother, “I have just met the world’s most fascinating aviator…” 1

  5. 21 feb 2019 · Nel 1916, Wallis incontrò Earl Winfield Spencer, Jr., un pilota della Marina degli Stati Uniti. Si sono sposati nello stesso anno. Fin dall'inizio, tuttavia, la loro relazione è stata tesa, in gran parte a causa del forte alcolismo di Spencer.

  6. 14 ago 2021 · Their ages alone would have made conceiving naturally difficult, though not impossible. Wallis had been married twice before and had had no children with her first two husbands either. Her first husband, Earl Winfield Spencer Jr., known as Win, had been emotionally and physically abusive to her.

  7. 9 nov 2021 · She agreed reluctantly. In February 1922, Win was ordered to the far east as the commander of a gunboat. They were not officially divorced yet, though they were separated. Wallis and her mother lived in Washington, where she soon made new friends. Wallis later wrote, “I was often out quite late.