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  1. Edward "Ned" Beale McLean (1889 – July 28, 1941) was the publisher and owner of The Washington Post newspaper, from 1916 until 1933. His wife, Evalyn Walsh McLean, was a prominent Washington socialite. McLean was also a thoroughbred racehorse owner and purchaser of the Hope Diamond, which was traditionally believed to carry a curse.

  2. Il diamante Hope nel 1974. Il diamante Hope, noto anche come blu di Francia, è un celebre diamante di un insolito e profondo colore blu, del peso di 45,52 carati (9,1 grammi), custodito presso lo Smithsonian Museum di Washington . Deve la sua notorietà non soltanto alla sua eccezionale bellezza, anche se per dimensioni è ampiamente superato ...

  3. On August 16, 1943, she married Edward Beale McLean Jr., a son of heiress Evalyn Walsh McLean and Edward Beale McLean, heir to The Washington Post. McLean, whose mother had owned the Hope diamond, had previously been married to Ann Carroll Meem, of Washington, D.C., from May 1938 to July 1943.

  4. 8 mag 2020 · Dapprima tutto sembrò andare bene, Evalyn Walsh McLean, moglie di Edward Beale McLean, lo indossava quotidianamente – alcuni dicono che talvolta lo usasse per adornare il collare del suo cane ...

  5. 26 set 2023 · She had married Edward Beale McLean (also rich) in 1908, and three years later the couple purchased the stone, which was cut from Louis XIV’s “French Blue,” for a cool $180,000 (equivalent to...

    • Beth Py-Lieberman
  6. Personal life. In 1908, she married Edward "Ned" Beale McLean, the son of John Roll McLean and heir to The Washington Post and The Cincinnati Enquirer publishing fortune. They had four children, two of whom predeceased their parents:

  7. 19 ago 2018 · In seguito Edward Beale McLean tra problemi di alcolismo e scandali fu ridotto in miseria. Sua moglie continuò comunque a tenere il diamante Hope sfidando la sfortuna. Morì a 60 anni di polmonite e sua figlia si suicidò con dei barbiturici, anche lei aveva indossato il gioiello il giorno del suo matrimonio.