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  1. Eeva Irmeli Ahtisaari (née Hyvärinen, born 18 June 1936) is a Finnish teacher and historian who was the First Lady of Finland from 1994 to 2000. She was married to the late 10th President of Finland Martti Ahtisaari. Their son is the musician Marko Ahtisaari.

  2. Vuodet 1971–1974 Ahtisaari oli Suomen Kotiseutuliiton valtuuskunnan jäsen. [1] Martti Ahtisaaren toimiessa Namibian suurlähettiläänä ja YK -tehtävissä, myös Eeva Ahtisaari vietti pitkiä ajanjaksoja Namibiassa.

  3. Learn about the life and career of Eeva Ahtisaari, the wife of the President of Finland, who is also a historian, museum curator and women's rights activist. Find out how she worked in museums, schools, libraries and the UN, and how she became involved in oral history, women's history and women's rights in Namibia and Finland.

  4. Eeva Ahtisaari is a humanist who has followed peace talks and the realisation of Namibia’s first free elections, and who has also visited many different cultures and countries. She is an advisor on domestic politics and a former teacher who has a Master's degree in history and a Bachelor of Arts in history and teacher training.

    • Eeva Ahtisaari1
    • Eeva Ahtisaari2
    • Eeva Ahtisaari3
    • Eeva Ahtisaari4
  5. Eeva Ahtisaari, o.s. Hyvärinen, syntyi 18.6.1936 Varkaudessa. Vuonna 1968 hän meni naimisiin Martti Ahtisaaren kanssa. Heidän poikansa Marko syntyi 1969. Eeva Ahtisaari alkoi opiskella historiaa Helsingin yliopistossa 1956 ja suoritti humanististen tieteiden kandidaatin tutkinnon 1962. 1960-luvulla Eeva Ahtisaari opetti historiaa ...

  6. Eeva Ahtisaari. Advisor on domestic politics. After leaving university and beginning her career in the 1960s, Eeva Ahtisaari still had no final university degree. Her initial enthusiasm for her studies was strong, but money worries had, in part, hindered her concentration.

  7. Martti Ahtisaari, A New Kind of President for an Era of Change. Martti Ahtisaari's CV. Eeva Ahtisaari's CV. return to the main page main page