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  1. Elena Vladimirovna Romanova (Carskoe Selo, 17 gennaio 1882 – Atene, 13 marzo 1957), unica figlia femmina del granduca Vladimir Aleksandrovič Romanov, fratello minore dello zar Alessandro III di Russia, e della granduchessa Maria di Meclemburgo-Schwerin (che prese il nome di Maria Pavlovna dopo la conversione all'ortodossia).

  2. Elena Vladimírovna de Rusia (San Petersburgo, 29 de enero de 1882-Atenas, 13 de marzo de 1957) fue gran duquesa de Rusia. Fue hija del gran duque Vladímir Aleksándrovich y de la duquesa María de Mecklemburgo-Schwerin.

    • Early Life
    • Marriage and Children
    • Life in Exile
    • Sources

    Elena and her three surviving older brothers, Kirill, Boris, and Andrei, had an English nanny and spoke English as their first language. The young Elena had a temper and was sometimes out of control. At four years old, she posed for the artist Henry Jones Thaddeus. She grabbed a paper knife and threatened her nurse, who hid behind Thaddeus. "The li...

    She was engaged to Prince Max of Baden, but Max backed out of the engagement. Elena's mother was furious and society gossiped about Elena's difficulty in finding a husband. At one point in 1899, the seventeen-year-old Elena was reputedly engaged to Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, however this came to nothing as he fell in love with Countess So...

    The family was later affected by the turmoil of the Russian Revolution of 1917and the subsequent turmoil in Greece, which became a republic and resulted in the family living in France for a time. While living in France Grand Duchess Elena became deeply involved in charity work for Russian exiles, particularly children. Short of money due to their e...

    Charlotte Zeepvat, The Camera and the Tsars: A Romanov Family Album, Sutton Publishing, 2004, ISBN 0-7509-3049-7

  3. 18 gen 2023 · Born on 17 January 1882, Elena was the only daughter of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich of Russia and Duchess Marie of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, and later married Princess Nicholas of Greece. Her own daughters, meanwhile, achieved enormous success as the wives of three European leaders.

  4. Elena Vladimirovna Romanova , unica figlia femmina del granduca Vladimir Aleksandrovič Romanov, fratello minore dello zar Alessandro III di Russia, e della granduchessa Maria di Meclemburgo-Schwerin .

  5. 20 dic 2017 · Elena Vladimirovna Romanova (Carskoe Selo, 17 gennaio 1882 – Atene, 13 marzo 1957) , unica figlia femmina del granduca Vladimir Alexandrovič Romanov, fratello minore dello zar Alessandro III di Russia, e di Maria di Meclemburgo-Schwerin (che prese il nome di Maria Pavlovna dopo la conversione all'ortodossia).

  6. 27 set 2017 · Elena Pavlovna appears in every serious account of Russia’s Great Reforms, yet her name is much better known than her life. Marina Soroka and Charles Ruud have attempted to resolve this conundrum in their new book.