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  1. A new memoir recalls life at Eton College – the school for the country's most powerful and privileged. John Self looks at how it has captured writers' imaginations for decades.

  2. イートン・カレッジ(英名: Eton College〈イートン校〉、正式名称: King's College of Our Lady of Eton beside Windsor)は、1440年に創設された英国のパブリックスクール。男子全寮制のボーディングスクールで、ケンブリッジ大学のキングス・カレッジの姉妹校である。

  3. Photo de l'enceinte historique d'Eton College. Chapelle d'Eton College. Le collège d'Eton (Eton College) [N 1], fleuron des public schools britanniques, est une école pour garçons âgés de 13 à 18 ans, fondée en 1440 par le roi Henri VI, située à Eton dans le Berkshire en face de la ville de Windsor, à environ quarante kilomètres de Londres [1], [2], vers l'ouest.

  4. 伊顿公学(Eton College)由亨利六世于1440年创办于距伦敦20英里的温莎小镇,地处白金汉郡泰晤士河河畔,与温莎宫隔岸相望,伊顿公学是一座古老的学府。入学年龄为13岁,读五年。伊顿以“精英摇篮”、“绅士文化”闻名世界,也素以军事化的严格管理著称,学生成绩大都优异,被公认是英国最好 ...

  5. › college-life › boardingBoarding - Eton College

    House Master, Eton College. The Eton model of House Mastering allows those who oversee our Houses to develop a particularly close knowledge and understanding of their boys, whose general health and wellbeing depend largely on them and their House team.

  6. 8 ott 2024 · Eton College is one of the most prestigious and exclusive private boarding schools in the United Kingdom. And many are curious about who went to Eton College. So, here we list the most famous students at Eton College UK to date and you may know one or two.

  7. Eton College: o quadrângulo. Eton College: capela. Eton College localiza-se em Eton, Berkshire (tradicionalmente parte de Buckinghamshire), perto de Windsor, Inglaterra, apenas uma milha ao norte do Castelo de Windsor. É uma das nove originais public schools [2] inglesas que foram definidas pela Acta das Escolas Públicas de 1868.