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  1. Il post-hardcore (noto anche come post-core) è un genere musicale punk rock che mantiene l'aggressività e l'intensità dell' hardcore punk ma enfatizza un maggiore grado di espressione creativa. Inizialmente è stato ispirato dal post-punk e dal noise rock.

  2. Post-hardcore is a punk rock music genre that maintains the aggression and intensity of hardcore punk but emphasizes a greater degree of creative expression initially inspired by post-punk and noise rock. Like post-punk, the term has been applied to a broad constellation of groups.

  3. 16 feb 2024 · Significato di The 10 Essential Post-hardcore Albums di Metal Hammer Introduzione al Post-hardcore Il genere musicale post-hardcore ha guadagnato popolarità a metà degli anni ’80 come una derivazione dell’hardcore punk, mescolando elementi del punk, emo e di altri generi.

  4. Post-hardcore is a punk rock music genre that maintains the aggression and intensity of hardcore punk but emphasizes a greater degree of creative expression. Like the term "post-punk", the term "post-hardcore" has been applied to a broad constellation of groups.

    • 1980s, United States
  5. Parent Genre: rock. Post-hardcore is a subgenre of punk rock that emerged in the late 1990s and early 2000s. It is characterized by its heavy use of distorted guitars, aggressive vocals, and complex song structures. The genre often incorporates elements of emo, screamo, and metalcore.

  6. 4 ago 2022 · Il post-metal è un figlio degenere dell’hardcore, fratello dell'”anti-hardcore” con cui condivide le origini e i primi passi. SE VUOI APPROFONDIRE L’ARGOMENTO LEGGI QUESTO ARTICOLO SULLE BAND “ ANTI HARDCORE “.

  7. Post-hardcore music. Although post-hardcore is primarily rooted in post-punk and hardcore punk, the music that created the space for it were groups like Black Flag, The Minutemen, Flipper and Hüsker Dü, who proved there was indeed room for stylistic diversity in hardcore punk, and abrasive art punk units like Son… read more.