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Giving Voice is a 2020 American documentary film, directed and produced by James D. Stern and Fernando Villena. The film follows the 2018 edition of the annual August Wilson Monologue Competition [2] entered by thousands of high school students for the opportunity to perform on Broadway.
15 dic 2020 · Giving Voice: recensione del documentario Netflix. Giving Voice è un'opera che segue sei giovani attori che si mettono in gioco nel prestigioso concorso August Wilson Monologue Competition.
Executive produced by Viola Davis and John Legend, Giving Voice follows students in the annual August Wilson Monologue Competition inspired by the late playw...
- 3 min
- 119,5K
- Netflix
Scheda film Giving Voice (2020) | Leggi la recensione, trama, cast completo, critica e guarda trailer, foto, immagini, poster e locandina del film diretto da James D. Stern, Fernando Villena con.
11 dic 2020 · Giving Voice: Directed by James D. Stern, Fernando Villena. With Mary Alice, Annette Bening, Glenn Close, Viola Davis. This film follows the annual August Wilson Monologue competition and the thousands of high schoolers who enter the competition for the opportunity to perform on Broadway.
- (340)
- Documentary
- James D. Stern, Fernando Villena
- 2020-12-11
Six ambitious student actors audition for the prestigious August Wilson Monologue Competition, culminating in a riveting final round on Broadway. Watch trailers & learn more.
Sei ambiziosi studenti attori si presentano all'audizione per la prestigiosa August Wilson Monologue Competition, che culminerà in un'avvincente esibizione a Broadway. Guarda i trailer e scopri di più.