relativo a: Guglielmo VII d'Assia-KasselHotel economici a Kassel. 51 hotel e 7260 recensioni: Kassel
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5 giorni fa · La questione della successione fu risolta nel 1614 con il trattato di Xanten, con il quale i Ducati Uniti furono disgregati: Jülich e Berg furono assegnati a Volfango Guglielmo, mentre Giovanni Sigismondo acquisì Kleve, Mark e Ravensberg.
2 giorni fa · Cento anni fa il Monferrato (consultabile grazie all’archivio digitale) pubblicava un lungo articolo “Piovà e il Cardinale Guglielmo Massaia”, firmato dal collaboratore Giuseppe Niccolini (1840-1930). Si tratta della reminiscenza di una pregressa visita a Piovà d’Asti (dal 1940 Piovà Massaia), già appartenente alla ...
1 giorno fa · GUGLIELMO PAGNOZZI QUARTET. Concerto del Guglielmo Pagnozzi Quartet. Cantina Bentivoglio, via Mascarella 4/B, ore 21.30, ingresso info 051265416
1 giorno fa · 3,200+ captured [ Note 1 ] The Sinai and Palestine campaign was part of the Middle Eastern theatre of World War I, taking place between January 1915 and October 1918. The British Empire, the French Third Republic, and the Kingdom of Italy fought alongside the Arab Revolt in opposition to the Ottoman Empire, the German Empire, and the Austro ...
2 giorni fa · head of office. Mirko Tricoli - Head of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation Office in Jerusalem from September 2024. Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo • Gerusalemme. 2, Mujer Eddin Street – Sheikh Jarrah – Jerusalem.
5 giorni fa · The VII Foundation’s contributing photographers Ziyah Gafić and Tomas van Houtryve had unprecedented access to these iconic religious structures between 2019 and 2023. The Dome of the Rock was completed in A.D. 691 and is the world’s oldest surviving example of Islamic architecture.
5 giorni fa · The VII Foundation’s mission is to transform visual journalism by empowering new voices and creating stories that advocate change. In a world where beliefs and actions are increasingly out-of-sync with facts and realities, transforming visual journalism is an urgent task.