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  1. 23 ore fa · Era tra le esibizioni più attese quella di Eden Golan, la cantante israeliana in gara all'Eurovision Song Contest 2024, proprio per le possibili contestazioni che l'avrebbero potuta accompagnare ...

  2. 23 ore fa · The answer is that Israel was allowed to join in 1973 because its state broadcaster was an active member of the EBU. Indeed, Eurovision has very little to do with geography – Australia has ...

  3. 23 ore fa · Israel's qualification for the Eurovision final triggered fierce debate Friday on the eve of the showpiece event, while the Dutch contestant was mysteriously pulled from rehearsals.Hours after thousands of pro-Palestinian demonstrators marched through Malmo in Sweden to protest Israel's participation in the competition Thursday, Russo-Israeli singer Eden Golan made it through to the final.On ...

  4. 23 ore fa · As 10 acts from the night's semi-final made it through to Saturday, including Israel's entry Eden Golan, Klein cut in during her interview. It came when Golan was asked by the Polish radio station Newsletter whether she believed her presence was posing a security risk to other participants and Swedish presenter Jovan Radomir told the 20-year-old she didn't have to answer the question.

  5. 23 ore fa · Eden Golan nació en Israel pero pasó la mayor parte de su niñez y juventud en Rusia, donde se trasladó con sus padres. Allí comenzó una carrera musical desde pequeña, de hecho se presentó a la preselección de Eurovisión Junior 2015 y también pasó por La Voz Kids .

  6. 23 ore fa · Roma, 10 mag. (askanews) - I medici dell'ospedale specialistico kuwaitiano di Rafah raccontano la loro lotta quotidiana per far fronte all'afflusso continuo di casi d'emergenza, a causa della carenza di personale e di attrezzature, ora che gli altri ospedali della regione sono fuori uso, sotto l'intensificarsi degli attacchi israeliani nel Sud della Striscia di Gaza....

  7. › 2024/05/11 › al-feronia-si-parlato-diAl Feronia si è parlato di autismo

    11 mag 2024 · Eurovision 2024, Netanyahu a Eden Golan: "Gareggi contro antisemitismo" Incidente a Roma, scontro tra auto e moto: morto 37enne; Ucraina, Zelensky sostituisce di nuovo il comandante delle forze ...