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11 set 2024 · How Can I Tell If I'm Really in Love: Directed by Rick Hauser. With Jason Bateman, Justine Bateman, Ted Danson. Teenagers go through a odd process to figure out if they are really in love.
- (80)
- Family
- Rick Hauser
- 1986
8 lug 2023 · From Wheel of the Worst 6Teenagers go through an odd process to figure out if they are really in love.
- 51 min
6 set 2023 · From Wheel of the Worst 6Teenagers go through an odd process to figure out if they are really in love.
- 51 min
- 65
- Best of the Worst Collection
Stream 'How Can I Tell If I'm Really in Love' and watch online. Discover streaming options, rental services, and purchase links for this movie on Moviefone.
Visit the movie page for 'How Can I Tell If I'm Really in Love' on Moviefone. Discover the movie's synopsis, cast details and release date. Watch trailers, exclusive interviews,...
- (3)
- Justine Bateman, Ted Danson, Jason Bateman
- Rick Hauser
Acting siblings Justine & Jason Bateman have a question to ask the high school youth of California's University High School (yes, it's a real school): How Can I Tell If I'm Really in Love? In this 50-minute PSA, Justine & Jason will be your guides.
Hosted by popular 1980's stars Justin Bateman and Ted Danson, this video explores the realistic nature of dating and intimacy. Using a straight talk approach the issues explored during this fifty-six minute program include the following topics: how you know if you're in love, is sex love and can you fall in love several times in your life, the ...