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  1. › wiki › I²CI²C – Wikipedia

    I²C-väylässä on sarjamuotoinen data- ja kellolinja. Väylään kiinnitetyt komponentit on osoitettavissa yksilöivällä osoitteella. Väylä toimii isäntä–orja-periaatteella. I²C-väylästandardia hallinnoi ja määrittelee elektroniikkayhtiö NXP Semiconductors, joka peri standardin edeltäjältään Philips Semiconductorsilta .

  2. Bosh Sahifa; Tanlangan maqolalar; Yangi sahifalar; Tasodifiy maqola; Maqolalar indeksi; Loyihaga koʻmak

  3. Ako i nakon registracije/prijave vidiš ovu poruku to znači da nisi aktivirao svoj račun. Provjeri u svom SPAM foleru. Ukoliko se aktivacijski e-mail ne nalazi u tvom SPAM folderu molim te da nas kontaktiraš kako bi ti što prije aktivirali račun

  4. › wiki › 2C-iP2C-iP - Wikipedia

    Key:XUGPCRRUMVWELT-UHFFFAOYSA-N. 2C-iP (also known as Jelena) is a relatively potent and long acting psychedelic phenethylamine and compound from the 2C family that was first synthesized by Dmitri Ger and has been sold online as a designer drug. [1] [2] It is a structural analog of 2C-P .

  5. 2C (psychedelics) 2C ( 2C-x) is a general name for the family of psychedelic phenethylamines containing methoxy groups on the 2 and 5 positions of a benzene ring. [1] Most of these compounds also carry lipophilic substituents at the 4 position, usually resulting in more potent and more metabolically stable and longer acting compounds. [2]

  6. 23 gen 2020 · Apa itu I2C pada mikrokontroler? I2C singkatan dari Inter Integrated Circuit, adalah sebuah protokol untuk komunikasi serial antar IC, dan sering disebut juga Two Wire Interface (TWI). Bus yang digunakan untuk komunikasi antara mikrokontroler dan divais periferal seperti memori, sensor temperatur dan I/O expander.

  7. Find and select the file you just downloaded. Restart the Arduino IDE. Step 3: Chose the example project which you like. (Take "HelloWorld" project for example here.) Click File > Examples > I2C_LCD > HelloWorld. Step 4: Connect I2C_LCD to your Seeeduino Vx board with Grove cable.