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  1. Indira Gandhi, unica figlia del primo ministro indiano Nehru, nasce il 19 novembre del 1917. Quando si sposa, acquisisce il nome dal marito Feroze Gandhi, che non era in alcun modo imparentato con il Mahatma Gandhi. Il 19 gennaio 1966 Indira Gandhi diventa primo ministro: è la prima donna a rivestire un ruolo pubblico così strategico nella ...

  2. Dittatrice o democratica? Pacificatrice o una guerrafondaia? A quarant'anni dalla morte, gli interrogativi che aleggiano sull'enigmatica figura di Indira Gandhi cercano ancora una risposta. Prima ministra dell'India dal 1966 al 1984, fatta eccezione per una breve parentesi di tre anni, per molti indiani rimane una figura progressista e idealista, per altri una manipolatrice del consenso.

  3. Indira an der Seite des fastenden Mahatma Gandhi (1924) Die Familie Nehru (ca. 1927) Indira mit Mahatma Gandhi und ihrem Vater Jawaharlal Nehru (späte 1930er-Jahre) Hochzeit von Feroze Gandhi und Indira Nehru am 26.

  4. 17 ago 2020 · Indira Nehru Gandhi was a complex woman whose leadership in India continues to have repercussions to this day. It was on January 24, 1966, that she was sworn in as that country's first female ...

  5. Smt. Indira Gandhi was actively involved in the freedom struggle. In her childhood, she founded the ‘Bal Charkha Sangh’ and in 1930, the ‘Vanar Sena’ of children to help the Congress party during the Non-Cooperation Movement. She was imprisoned in September 1942, and worked in riot-affected areas of Delhi in 1947 under Gandhi’s guidance.

  6. 31 ott 2024 · Indira Gandhi: Controversial but impactful On the 40th death anniversary of India’s only female prime minister, a military veteran takes a look at her chequered career and outlines why he ...

  7. Indira Gandhi’s political image was tarnished heavily. Assassination. On 31 October 1984, Indira Gandhi's bodyguards, Satwant Singh and Beant Singh fired a total of 31 bullets on Indira Gandhi from their service weapons as a revenge of the Golden Temple assault at her residence - 1, Safdarjung Road in New Delhi and she succumbed to her injuries.

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