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    relativo a: Joanna Newsom
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  1. › artists › 15329982Joanna Newsom - NPR

    30 lug 2018 · 'Have One': From Joanna Newsom, A Generous Thing Fresh Air. March 24, 2010 • On her new three-disc album, the singer-songwriter accompanies herself on harp and piano, with occasionally elaborate ...

  2. › channel › UCxryNXM8TczaqTHPS3YtAbgJoanna Newsom - YouTube Music

    Joanna Newsom is an American singer-songwriter and actress. Born and raised in Northern California, Newsom was classically trained on the harp in her youth and began her career as a keyboardist in the San Francisco-based indie band the Pleased. After recording and self-releasing two EPs in 2002, Newsom signed to the independent label Drag City. Her debut album, The Milk-Eyed Mender, was ...

  3. Joanna Caroline Newsom (ur. 18 stycznia 1982 w hrabstwie Nevada w Kalifornii ) – amerykańska wykonawczyni, łącząca śpiewanie z graniem na harfie . Jej twórczość charakteryzuje się dojrzałą liryką kontrastującą z pogodnym, niewinnym stylem śpiewania.

  4. Joanna Newsom ha in parte abbandonato le ampollose divagazioni di Ys con le sue impenetrabili liriche joyciane e questo fa affiorare tutta l’eleganza e la complessità della sua essenza più intima. Sorprendente e stimolante questo album sospinge la Newsom qualche gradino sopra tutti i cantautori suoi contemporanei.

  5. › artists › joanna-newsomJoanna Newsom - Drag City

    Joanna Newsom & The Ys Street Band E.P. 12"EP/CDEP/MP3/FLAC DC336 2007 Ys: 2xLP/Cass/CD/MP3/FLAC DC303 2006 Sprout and the Bean: CD5/MP3/FLAC DC287 2004 The Milk-Eyed ...

  6. 23 ott 2015 · Divers by Joanna Newsom, released 23 October 2015 1. Anecdotes 2. Sapokanikan 3. Leaving the City 4. Goose Eggs 5. Waltz of the 101st Lightborne 6. The Things I Say 7.

  7. 19 ott 2015 · Joanna Newsom’s Divers is out 10/23 via Drag City. T. Cole Rachel Subscriber. tags in this article. Joanna Newsom; Load More; MOST POPULAR Neil Young Explains Crazy Horse Tour Cancelation, Says ...

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    relativo a: Joanna Newsom