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  1. 1 set 2006 · Senior Member. Sevilla. Spain, Spanish. Oct 22, 2007. #10. Cuidado, según el eufemismo de "joder" que se use la expresión tendrá un significado u otro: - Jo (jopé, jolín, jolines), ahora va y se pone a llover. - Joé (joder), ahora va y se pone a llover. La primera denota pena, la segunda rabia.

  2. 3 gen 2008 · I want to know what does mean the nickname of the great baseball player Joe DiMaggio. What's Joltin' mean?

  3. 10 giu 2023 · English - Northeast US. Jun 10, 2023. #2. “Good old (noun)” is a common idiomatic phrase used to signal nostalgia and affection for the thing spoken about. Virginia1993 said: I know the meaning of "good Joe", This phrase has no meaning I can discern, outside of a specific context.

  4. 12 giu 2014 · Mr. Joe Sensitive = "the perfectly sensitive man". It is not necessary that the name be "Joe" or that a forename be used at all but it is a common use as "Joe" is used as a generic male name. Other adjectives can be substituted/used. e.g. A: "Who the hell left that bike out there!!!" B: "Oh, listen to Mr [Joe] Angry!

  5. 9 set 2005 · Went sneaking through her bedroom door to find something in a size 4. Sugar and spice and everything nice wasn't made for only girls. GI Joe in panty hose is making room for the one and only. MODERATOR INTERVENTION: full song lyrics deleted as to avoid copyright infringement issues and to comply with WordReference rules: 14.

  6. 29 dic 2020 · Colorado. English-US. Dec 29, 2020. #2. shAmAn49025 said: Neither Joe nor Sam has a car. Either Joe or Sam doesn't have a car. These two sentences are normal, but they don't mean the same thing. The third sentence is not normal English.

  7. 3 lug 2021 · Jul 3, 2021. #3. I agree. "Been on leave for 5 weeks" means that 5 weeks have already passed with Joe on leave. It does NOT say that the total time Joe will spend on leave is 5 weeks. Perhaps Joe's leave is 14 weeks long. Right now he has "been on leave for 5 weeks", but he plans on being on leave for another 9 weeks. raymondaliasapollyon said:

  8. 5 feb 2007 · Feb 5, 2007. #1. In English, there is an expression or title that I've heard expressed variously as "Joe Schmoe", "Joe Blow", "Joe Six-Pack" etc. Essentially, it means "nobody in particular" or "the average guy". I'm having trouble thinking of an example right now, but I was wondering if there was an equivalent in Spanish. Gracias de Antemano. J.

  9. 17 giu 2008 · I think both are correct, but the first is more common. In addition, you can put commas around "suddenly" in the first sentence, but not in the second. In the first one, "suddenly" modifies the entire phrase "Paul interrupted him", and in the second, "suddenly" modifies only the verb "interrupted". The meaning is essentially the same between ...

  10. 26 ott 2015 · Oct 26, 2015. #2. It doesn't mean anything. It's a line of text telephone companies use to test their equipment as it contains all the fundamental sounds of the English language that contribute to the intensity of sound in speech. It might have another meaning in your context.

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