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18 ore fa · L’unico vero rischio che si prende The Order è chiamare un’inglese raffinato e piacente come Jude Law a interpretare il suo americanissimo protagonista. Un agente del FBI da manuale del poliziesco anni ‘70 e ‘80: estraniato dalla famiglia, beve troppo, lavora troppo, dorme troppo poco. La sua interpretazione è solida e rassicurante ...
18 ore fa · The Room Next Door: anche la morte può essere una scelta. L'opera di Almodóvar racconta di Martha (Tilda Swinton) e Ingrid (Julianne Moore), due donne legate da un'amicizia profonda ma segnata da un doloroso malinteso. Martha è un ex reporter di guerra che si ritrova a fare i conti con una malattia incurabile mentre Ingrid è una scrittrice ...
18 ore fa · Adapted from Elizabeth Freemantle’s novel The Queen’s Gambit, Firebrand offers an alternative history of Catherine Parr (Alicia Vikander), the last wife of Henry VIII (Jude Law). Taking a hands-on role as the king’s regent, she secretly fosters ideas that are radical and against the king’s policy. Believing she can enact change from ...
18 ore fa · When an increasingly ailing and paranoid King returns, he turns his fury on the radicals, charging Katherine’s childhood friend with treason and burning her at the stake. Horrified and grieving, but forced to deny it, Katherine finds herself fighting for her own survival. Conspiracy reverberates through the palace.
18 ore fa · C'est dans une robe en velours bleue aux découpes audacieuses qu'Iris Law a foulé le tapis rouge, mais la star de son look était sans conteste sa coiffure chic et élégante. Si la fille de Jude Law et Sadie Frost n'a pas touché à sa longueur, ni à sa coloration, elle est venue réinventer sa façon de coiffer sa crinière courte.
18 ore fa · The following year, he appeared in 'The Talented Mr. Ripley' with his brother and actors like Jude Law, Matt Damon, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Cate Blanchett. His career was well underway.
18 ore fa · Ron Howard, the director behind “Hillbilly Elegy” and “A Beautiful Mind,” stressed to Variety the importance of exercising one’s right to vote in this upcoming presidential election in November. The director stopped by Variety’s Toronto Film Festival Studio to promote his upcoming movie “Eden,” along with the cast, including Sydney Sweeney, Jude Law, Ana de Armas, and Daniel ...