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  1. KNUCA must be a leading scientific center in the sphere of civil engineering and architecture, implement the preparation of specialists with active life position, modern knowledge and practical skills.

    • History KNUCA

      KCEI was renamed into Ukrainian state university of...

    • Campus

      Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture....

  2. The Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (informally referred to as KNUCA) – better known under its former name Kyiv Civil Engineering Institute – is the largest and most important building and architectural university of Ukraine located in the nation's capital, Kyiv.

  3. Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture was founded in 1999 on the bases of Kyiv State Technical University of Construction and Architecture. But its history began much earlier – from the time of its foundation in 1930 on the bases of Factory and Communal Construction branch of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and Architectural ...

  4. Обери професію. Довузівська підготовка. Підготовка до НМТ/ЗНО та творчого конкурсу. Приймальна комісія. Вартість навчання. Підготовка іноземних громадян.

    • Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture1
    • Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture2
    • Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture3
    • Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture4
    • Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture5
  5. Currently, the Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture is a leading research institution in Ukraine for the development and implementation of the latest technologies and materials in modern construction.

  6. KCEI was renamed into Ukrainian state university of construction and architecture, but in the middle of August it got the name – Kyiv state technical university of construction and architecture. 1999

  7. Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture. ABOUT KNUСA. University`s Leadership. Academic Personnel. About KNUСA. Pride of KNUCA. History KNUCA. The objects that are created by the graduates of KNUCA. OPPORTUNITIES.