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    relativo a: Linda Darnell
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  1. Monetta Eloyse Darnell, detta Linda (Dallas, 16 ottobre 1923 – Chicago, 10 aprile 1965), è stata un' attrice statunitense, star del cinema hollywoodiano fra gli anni quaranta e gli anni cinquanta. Debuttò nel 1939, appena sedicenne, con un ruolo di rilievo nel film Hotel for Women.

  2. Linda Darnell (born Monetta Eloyse Darnell; October 16, 1923 – April 10, 1965) was an American actress. Darnell progressed from modelling as a child to acting in theatre and film.

  3. 16 ott 2021 · Spesso descritta come la "ragazza dal viso perfetto", Linda Darnell perse la vita a 41 anni per un tragico incendio: ecco che cosa lo provocò.

  4. › name › nm0001105Linda Darnell - IMDb

    Linda Darnell. Actress: Fallen Angel. Linda Darnell, one of five children of a postal clerk, grew up fast. At 11, she was modeling clothes, giving her age as 16. At 13, she was appearing on the stage with little theater groups. Her mother encouraged her to audition when Hollywood talent scouts came to Dallas.

    • January 1, 1
    • Dallas, Texas, USA
    • January 1, 1
    • Glenview, Illinois, USA
  5. 26 lug 2023 · Linda Darnell's life came to a tragic end on April 10, 1965, as the result of burns from a fire. The Los Angeles Times states that she was visiting her friend and once-secretary Jeanne Curtis' home in Chicago and that they had stayed up late to watch a television broadcast of Darnell's own 1940 film, "Star Dust."

  6. Actress: Fallen Angel. Linda Darnell, one of five children of a postal clerk, grew up fast. At 11, she was modeling clothes, giving her age as 16. At 13, she was appearing on the stage with little theater groups. Her mother encouraged her to audition when Hollywood talent scouts came to Dallas.

  7. Attrice cinematografica statunitense, nata a Dallas il 16 ottobre 1923 e morta a Chicago il 10 aprile 1965. Dotata di una bellezza conturbante e aggressiva, la D. interpretò spesso donne volitive e sicure di sé, in grado di valorizzare al meglio le sue capacità espressive, anche se talvolta fu costretta in ruoli eccessivamente stereotipati.

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