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  1. Martha Graham (Pittsburgh, 11 maggio 1894 – New York, 1º aprile 1991) è stata una danzatrice e coreografa statunitense. Da molti è considerata la più grande danzatrice statunitense del XX secolo, nonché la "madre" della danza moderna americana.

  2. La tecnica Contraction and Release di Martha Graham si basa sul principio della respirazione e contrazione ed ha ispirato numerosi ballerini e coreografi contemporanei. Ecco come funziona, i principi di base e tutte le info utili sulla Martha Graham Dance Company.

  3. Martha Graham (May 11, 1894 – April 1, 1991) [1] was an American modern dancer and choreographer, whose style, the Graham technique, reshaped American dance and is still taught worldwide. [ 2 ] Graham danced and taught for over seventy years.

  4. Storia della vita di Martha Graham, ballerina e coreografa statunitense. La danza, intima natura dell'uomo. Leggendo questo profilo biografico puoi conoscere anche la bibliografia, la data in cui Martha Graham nacque, l'età e il giorno in cui morì.

  5. 21 ago 2020 · Oltre che pioniera della danza moderna e coreografa favolosa, Martha fu una delle più grandi danzatrici del XX secolo e una maestra di stile: il suo movimento è riassumibile in una parola, la...

  6. In 1926, Martha Graham founded her dance company and school, living and working out of a tiny Carnegie Hall studio in midtown Manhattan. In developing her technique, Martha Graham experimented endlessly with basic human movement, beginning with the most elemental movements of contraction and release.

  7. 2 apr 2014 · Martha Graham is considered by many to be the 20th century's most important dancer and the mother of modern dance.

  8. The oldest professional school of dance in the United States and the only one primarily focused on the Martha Graham Technique and repertory.

  9. 2 set 2024 · Martha Graham (born May 11, 1894, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, U.S.—died April 1, 1991, New York, New York) was an influential American dancer, teacher, and choreographer of modern dance whose ballets and other works were intended to “reveal the inner man.”

  10. 1 feb 2024 · Less well remembered today but just as influential was Martha Graham, who pioneered modern dance. The Martha Graham Dance Company, which she founded in 1926, was the first dance troupe in America.