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  1. Maryanne Trump Barry, precedentemente Desmond, è stata un'avvocata e magistrato statunitense, giudice emerito presso la corte d'appello del 3° Circuito Federale degli Stati Uniti. Era la sorella maggiore di Donald Trump, 45º presidente degli Stati Uniti.

  2. Signature. Maryanne Trump Barry (née Trump; April 5, 1937 – November 13, 2023) was an American attorney and United States federal judge. She became an assistant United States attorney in 1974 and was first appointed to the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey by President Ronald Reagan in 1983.

  3. 14 nov 2023 · Il suo nome risulterà familiare a pochi, e non c'è da meravigliarsi: Maryanne Trump Barry, sorella dell'ex Presidente degli Stati Uniti Donald Trump, morta il 13 novembre a 86 anni, non è...

    • Antonella Rossi
  4. 13 nov 2023 · Maryanne Trump Barry, a former federal judge who was an older sister of Donald J. Trump and served as both his protector and critic throughout their lives, has died. She was 86. She died at her...

  5. 13 nov 2023 · Maryanne Trump Barry, the older sister of former President Donald Trump and a former federal judge, has died, according to sources. She was 86 years old. She was discovered in her Fifth Avenue apartment at about 4 a.m., sources told ABC News. There were no signs of trauma or foul play.

    • 51 sec
    • John Santucci,Aaron Katersky
  6. 14 nov 2023 · Maryanne Trump Barry – sorella maggiore di Donald Trump – è morta all’età di 86 anni. La donna è stata trovata senza vita nel suo appartamento sulla Fifth Avenue a New York.

  7. 13 nov 2023 · Maryanne Trump Barry, la sorella maggiore di Donald Trump, è morta all'età di 86 anni. Lo riporta il New York Times. La donna è stata trovata senza vita nella sua casa sulla Quinta...