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  1. Nathan Bedford Forrest (Chapel Hill, 13 luglio 1821 – Memphis, 29 ottobre 1877) fu un tenente generale della cavalleria confederata, noto anche per aver aderito alla nascente organizzazione razzista Ku Klux Klan, di cui fu il primo Grand Wizard ("Grande Stregone").

  2. Nathan Bedford Forrest (July 13, 1821 – October 29, 1877) was a Confederate States Army general during the American Civil War and later the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan from 1867 to 1869. Before the war, Forrest amassed substantial wealth as a cotton plantation owner, horse and cattle trader, real estate broker, and slave ...

    • Nathan Bedford Forrest: Early Life
    • Nathan Bedford Forrest: Civil War Service
    • Nathan Bedford Forrest: Later Life

    Nathan Bedford Forrest was born in Chapel Hill, Tennessee, on July 13, 1821. He grew up poor and received almost no formal education before going into business with his uncle Jonathan Forrest in Hernando, Mississippi. In 1845 his uncle was killed in a street fight started over a business dispute, and Forrest responded by killing two of the murderer...

    Following the start of the Civil War(1861-65), Forrest enlisted as a private in the Tennessee Mounted Rifles and helped equip the unit using his own money. He soon earned a promotion to lieutenant colonel and was placed in charge of raising and training his own battalion of 650 mounted troopers. Forrest would win his first engagement later that yea...

    Forrest returned to Tennessee after the Civil War and entered private business. In the years following the conflict he would work as a lumber merchant, planter and president of the Selma, Marion and Memphis Railroad. In the late 1860s Forrest began an association with the newly formed Ku Klux Klan, a secret society that terrorized Black Americans a...

  3. 19 mag 2021 · Nathan Bedford Forrest was a self-taught man who made his fortune as a cotton planter and trader of enslaved people. At the outbreak of the Civil War, he raised a...

  4. Nathan Bedford Forrest, one of the most polarizing figures of the Civil War era, was born July 13, 1821 in Chapel Hill, Tennessee – a small town on the Duck River.

  5. 12 ago 2024 · What was Nathan Bedford Forrests role in the Fort Pillow Massacre? What did Nathan Bedford Forrest do after the Civil War? What is Nathan Bedford Forrests reputation today?