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  1. The Open University offers flexible part-time study, supported distance and open learning for undergraduate and postgraduate courses and qualifications.

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    • Courses

      Distance and Online Courses from The Open University. View...

    • Postgraduate

      We strive to make all aspects of study accessible to...

    • International

      Since 1969 we’ve been teaching across time zones, giving...

    • Research

      Discover Research at The Open University. Open Research...

    • About

      The Open University has its headquarters at Walton Hall in...

    • Business & apprenticeships

      At The Open University, we’re not just academic experts. We...

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      Access your online courses and resources at the Open...

  2. Distance and Online Courses from The Open University. View our Certificates, Diplomas, Degrees, Masters Degrees and PhDs.

  3. The Open University (OU) is a public research university and the largest university in the United Kingdom by number of students. [7] [8] [9] The majority of the OU's undergraduate students are based in the United Kingdom and principally study off-campus; many of its courses (both undergraduate and postgraduate) can also be studied ...

  4. Produced by The Open University, a world leader in open and distance learning, all OpenLearn courses are free to study. We offer nearly 1000 free courses across 8 different subject areas. Our courses are available to start right away.

  5. La Open University (OU) è un'università pubblica di ricerca specializzata nell'insegnamento a distanza, e una delle più grandi università nel Regno Unito. La maggior parte degli studenti è del Regno Unito e studiano a distanza; molti dei corsi dell'OU possono essere seguiti da qualsiasi parte nel mondo. [ 1 ]

  6. Since 1969 we’ve been teaching across time zones, giving students in the UK and over 180 countries a flexible alternative to traditional university education – with all the support and teaching excellence you’d expect from the world’s leading distance learning university. Request a prospectus.

  7. Study hundreds of free short courses, discover thousands of articles, activities, and videos, and earn digital badges and certificates.

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    Open University italia
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