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  1. Otelo Nuno Romão Saraiva de Carvalho, noto come Otelo de Carvalho (Lourenço Marques, 31 agosto 1936 – Lisbona, 25 luglio 2021 [1] [2]), è stato un militare portoghese, tra i principali leader della Rivoluzione dei garofani che il 25 aprile 1974 depose Marcello Caetano.

  2. Conheça a vida e a carreira de Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho, coronel de artilharia e um dos líderes do 25 de Abril de 1974. Saiba sobre as suas batalhas, as suas polémicas, os seus processos judiciais e a sua morte em 2021.

    • Accusations of Terrorism
    • Arrest and Preventive Detention
    • Judgment and Amnesty on Political Offences
    • Judgement and Acquittal on Blood Crimes
    • GeneratedCaptionsTabForHeroSec

    After the defeat in the presidential elections, Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho, together with Pedro Goulart and Mouta Liz, created the Global Project (Projeto Global). It, "...had as purposes, among others, to create conditions that would allow its members, in the long term and through the armed insurrection, to seize the State and install popular power...

    On 20 June 1984, Otelo was arrested under the charge of being a Forças Populares 25 de Abril founding member and leader. During "Orion" police operation, various incriminating documents were seized at FUP headquarters, as well as at Otelo ’s residence. Among the seized documents were the two notebooks handwritten by Otelo, one green and one red, wi...

    In October 1985, Otelo was tried and convicted in court for his role in leading the FP 25 de Abril and sentenced to 15 years in prison.The sentence would be confirmed by the Court of Appeal, which increased the sentence to 18 years and later the Supreme Court of Justice would fix it at 17 years in prison. He would appeal the sentence to the Constit...

    However, the various crimes committed and spread across the various districts are unified in a single process. There are more than 150 cases, two of which 10 completed homicides and 7 attempted, to be judged. It is from here that process 396/91 is created, which will bring together the judgment of blood crimes, which took place later and had the se...

    Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho was a Portuguese military officer and a leader of the 1974 Carnation Revolution. He later became a terrorist leader and ran for president in 1976, but was acquitted of political crimes in 1996.

  3. 6 ago 2021 · Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho, a Portuguese Army officer who helped mastermind the almost bloodless military overthrow of his country’s dictatorship in 1974 and later served a prison sentence on...

    • Raphael Minder
  4. 27 lug 2021 · Otelo, coronel de artilharia e principal estratego do golpe militar de 1974, faleceu aos 84 anos em Lisboa. Foi um dos líderes do MFA, candidato à presidência em 1976 e fundador do FUP, partido de esquerda.

    • Rádio Renascença
    • 21 323 9200
    • Quinta do Bom Pastor, Estrada da Buraca 8-12, Lisboa, 1549-025
  5. 26 lug 2021 · LISBONA - L'eroe controverso della rivoluzione portoghese, Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho, è morto all'età di 84 anni in un ospedale di Lisbona. Fu l'attore principale della "rivoluzione dei...

  6. 25 lug 2021 · Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho, who led Portugal's 'Carnation' Revolution in 1974 against the authoritarian Estado Novo, has died at the age of 84, at the Military Hospital in Lisbon.