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  1. 18 ore fa · 7/09/2024, ore 19:24. Juliette Binoche e Ralph Fiennes sono tornati a lavorare ad un nuovo film insieme, ventotto anni dopo Il paziente inglese. La coppia si unirà sul set di The Return, una ...

  2. 18 ore fa · However, as Ralph Fiennes revealed, the transformation into Voldemort was far less grueling than one might assume. In a candid interview with GQ, Fiennes shared that his iconic look was achieved with a clever mix of digital effects, makeup artistry, and a thoughtfully designed wand, shattering the myth of endless hours in the makeup chair.

  3. 18 ore fa · Juliette Binoche says it was "joyful" to reunite on screen with Ralph Fiennes, 28 years after 'The English Patient'. The pair have teamed up for 'The Return', Uberto Pasolini’s retelling of Homer’s 'Odyssey' and Juliette jumped at the chance to work with her former co-star again. She told The Hollywood Reporter: "We remained friends ...

  4. 18 ore fa · 7 September 2024. Juliette Binoche says it was "joyful" to reunite on screen with Ralph Fiennes, 28 years after 'The English Patient'. Juliette Binoche and Ralph Fiennes' English Patient reunion ...

  5. 18 ore fa · Dopo Ralph Fiennes, anche Matt Smith ha condiviso la sua opinione sull'uso dei trigger warning, gli avvisi sui contenuti sensibili inseriti prima dell'inizio della visione di film e serie tv ...

  6. 18 ore fa · He echoed a similar sentiment earlier this year after agreeing with Ralph Fiennes’s stance on the matter, where he said they should be ‘scrapped’ for theatre audiences.

  7. 18 ore fa · The Prince of Egypt

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