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5 giorni fa · Ready Player One - Oscar Fantastica BiblioFantascienza L'universo della Fantascienza visto dalle biografie e dalle bibliografie dei più grandi scrittori di science-fiction italiani e stranieri, dalle schede descrittive e dalle recensioni di romanzi, raccolte, antologie e racconti.
5 giorni fa · Ready Player One is a 2011 science fiction novel, and the debut novel of American author Ernest Cline. The story, set in a dystopia in 2045, follows protagonist Wade Watts on his search for an Easter egg in a worldwide virtual reality game, the discovery of which would lead him to inherit the game creator's fortune and the game itself.
2 giorni fa · He has narrated numerous audio books, including Ready Player One and The Martian.
1 giorno fa · Ready Player One. 上映日:2018年04月20日. 製作国: アメリカ. 上映時間:140分. ジャンル: アクション. アドベンチャー・冒険. SF. 配給: ワーナー・ブラザース映画. 4.0. あらすじ. いまから27年後の世界。 人類はゴーグル1つですべての夢が実現するVRワールド[オアシス]に生きていた。 そこは、誰もがなりたいものになれる場所。 無敵のヒーローやハーレークイン、キティだってなれる夢の世界! ある日、オアシスの天才創設者からの遺言が発表される ーー「全世界に告ぐ。 オアシスに眠る3つの謎を解いた者に全財産56兆円と、この世界のすべてを授けよう」と。 突然の宣告に誰もが沸き立ち、56兆円を… 続きを読む. 監督. スティーヴン・スピルバーグ. 脚本.
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4 giorni fa · #Games #Film #gamedotfilm #Independent #IndieMediaPlease support our independent efforts! Thanks a bunch!CashApp: $ExtraBullaVenmo: @warren-dearmanPayPal: Pa...
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2 giorni fa · Ready Player One (2018) Warner Bros. Pictures. Director Steven Spielberg doesn’t hit as many cinematic home runs as he used to, but his adaptation of Ernest Cline’s Ready Player One is a solid ...
4 giorni fa · 5 offres à partir de CHF 30.01 (état : 04.09.2024) Disponibles immédiatement Évaluations et informations détaillées pour les produits Prix et informations concernant Ready Player One (Blu-ray 4K Ultra-HD, O.Cooke / T.Sheridan) sur le plus grand comparateur suisse |
relativo a: Ready Player è stato visitato da più di un milione utenti nell’ultimo mese
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