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  1. 1 dic 2020 · Requiem for a Dream perhaps not unsurprisingly given its title, its subject matter and its director, trades in some pretty hallucinatory moments, enjoying a diverse focus for its particular vision, whether that be in grittier 'video diary' moments, the tele-marketing, wider fish-eye lenses, split-screen, time-lapse, perspective shots, or just gorgeously lensed 'straight' shots.

  2. 14 mag 2000 · Juice by Sarah, Juice by you. 这篇影评可能有剧透. 悲剧并不美,真的悲剧只会让我恶心,《梦之安魂曲》就是这样的一部片子。. 时不时会和《猜火车》比较,然而这部片让我更加不安和恐惧。. 《猜火车》里会时不时感到一种救赎和成长的过程,《梦之安魂曲》里 ...

  3. 28 feb 2005 · Read the review. Write your own review for Requiem for a Dream 4K Blu-ray. I watched this when it came out, im not sure I have it in me to watch again, especially the final 5 minutes, which I remember as being very grim. But the soundtrack was excellent and maybe I could watch just for the synchronicity of the soundtrack to the film.

  4. 5 nov 2020 · Lionsgate brings Last Exit to Brooklyn to UK Blu-ray almost a decade after its US bow, with a similar although not identical release, affording it solid enough video and audio and a decent selection of extra features. If you're eagerly anticipating revisiting Requiem for a Dream - at least as much as anybody can - then this should probably be ...

  5. 10 nov 2007 · Requiem for a Dream. 夜摩刀 评论 梦之安魂曲 5. 2007-11-10 18:09:35. 这篇影评可能有剧透. 一个混沌的星期六,一楼潮湿的水汽让整个世界都变的迷幻起来.整个春天总是很迷幻的,于是所有人在这迷幻的季节全都找不着北.寝室的高人同学丢了他唯一一双运动鞋,石头丢了他4 ...

  6. 7 apr 2021 · Requiem for a Dream (USA / Watched once / No slip and digital) - £12.50 Justice League (USA / Watched once / Slip included / No digital) - £7.50 Captain America 1/2/3 (UK / Individual release with slips / Sealed) - £33 GI Joe Snake Eyes (USA / Watched once / Slip included / No Digital) - £12 Europe

  7. 13 apr 2006 · 如果我要串一个豆列收藏我非常喜欢,但是又无法轻易推荐给所有人的电影的话,这部<Requiem for a Dream>绝对是列表中遥遥领先的第一位。 同样会在这个豆列中的还有<Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind>,不同的是对于美丽心灵永恒阳光至少我还知道会有挺大一部分的群体会很...

  8. 18 apr 2015 · 英国脱欧,特朗普上台,民怨沸腾,世界怎么了? 昨天看了纪录片Requiem for the American Dream,中文翻译为《美国梦之安魂曲》。这部记录片历时4年,拍摄了著名语言学家哲学家Noam Chomsky对当今美国经济政治的十个观点. 智者。站在人类精神财富顶端的人。

  9. 梦之安魂曲剧照和截图欣赏,高清大图下载

  10. 21 gen 2018 · Mother! is an enigmatic watch. It is also an uncomfortable and, at times, difficult watch. Director Darren Aronofsky is no stranger to twisting the knife, Requiem for a Dream (2000) is an astonishing film that can only be viewed once. Whist not quite as powerful, Mother! is nevertheless just as tragic and just as inevitable.

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