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12 mag 2024 · Roger Corman era diventato noto al grande pubblico per “La piccola bottega degli orrori” nel 1960, ma di film ne ha girati e prodotti centinaia nella sua lunghissima carriera.
Roger Corman. Actor: The Silence of the Lambs. Roger William Corman was born April 5, 1926, in Detroit, Michigan. Initially following in his father's footsteps, Corman studied engineering at Stanford University, but, while in school, he began to lose interest in the profession and developed a growing passion for film.
Roger Corman bei IMDb; Roger Corman in der Internet Speculative Fiction Database (englisch) „Hau ab, so schnell du kannst!“ – Interview mit Katja Nicodemus in Die Zeit, 31. Dezember 2008, Nr. 2; Für Gedanken braucht man kein Geld – Interview auf taz.de, 2013; Essay über die Arbeit von Roger Corman auf sensesofcinema.com (englisch)
ロジャー・コーマン - Wikipedia ... ロジャー・コーマン
Corman was famously prolific, both in his American International Pictures years and afterward. The IMDb credits Corman with 55 directed films and some 385 produced films from 1954 through 2008, many as un-credited producer or executive producer (consistent with his role as head of his own New World Pictures from 1970 through 1983).
12 mag 2024 · Muere Roger Corman, prolífico director de serie B, mentor de Francis Ford Coppola y maestro de Tarantino Corman, que recibió el Oscar honorífico en 2009, es considerado el descubridor y mentor de muchos de los grandes cineastas que marcaron el cine y que posteriormente fueron conocidos como el Nuevo Hollywood.
12 mag 2024 · Roger Corman nació en Detroit, y su familia se mudó a Beverly Hills, cerca de la meca del cine, cuando él tenía 14 años. Se graduó en 1947 en Ingeniera industrial en Universidad de ...
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