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  1. 13 ago 2017 · August 2017. John Everett Millais, Ophelia, Detail, 1851/52, Öl/Lw, 76,2 x 111,8 cm (Tate Britain, London) John Everett Millais ' „Ophelia“ aus den Jahren 1851/52 gehört zu den bedeutendsten Gemälden des 19. Jahrhunderts. Naturbeobachtung im Extrem und einfühlende Interpretation machten die Komposition so erfolgreich.

  2. PRERAFFAELLISMO. Dottrina propugnata da un gruppo di giovani artisti inglesi che, intorno al 1850, si unirono per opporsi alle convenzioni allora esistenti in arte e in letteratura, con un ritorno a tradizioni che essi supponevano proprie dell'arte europea prima dell'avvento di Raffaello. Simili movimenti erano sorti già nella prima parte del ...

  3. John Everett Millais (Southampton, 8 juni 1829 - Londen, 13 augustus 1896) was een Britse schilder en tekenaar. Hij was een van de oprichters van de Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood . Millais was tijdens zijn leven een van de meest succesvolle schilders van het Victoriaanse Groot-Brittannië.

  4. 10 apr 2024 · This painting by the Pre-Raphaelite artist John Everett Millais (1829 - 1896) shows a scene from Shakespeare's 'As You Like It'. The heroine Rosalind, disguised as a boy, sits under a tree contemplating her fate after being banished from court. Millais has shown Rosalind wearing contemporary-style costume rather then the dress accurate for the period in which the play is set. Her costume is a ...

  5. Ophelia is one of the most popular Pre-Raphaelite works in the Tate collection. The painting was part of the original Henry Tate Gift in 1894. Millais’s image of the tragic death of Ophelia, as she falls into the stream and drowns, is one of the best-known illustrations from Shakespeare’s play Hamlet. The Pre-Raphaelites focused on serious ...

  6. Scena ampiamente rappresentata da artisti di ogni epoca, la morte della donna trova la sua massima espressione artistica nel dipinto Ophelia di Millais (1851-1852), giovane pre-raffaelita che con la sua opera si fece portavoce di un movimento intero. Il dramma dietro l’Ophelia di Millais

  7. 4 set 2020 · Sir John Everett Millais, Ofelia (Ophelia), 1851–1852, olio su tela, 76,2 x 111,8 cm. Londra, Tate Britain. Continua la lettura e Consulta la scheda dell’opera…. Ti possono interessare anche: La Confraternita dei Preraffaelliti, Arte e letteratura, Arte e William Shakespeare, Arte e amore, La morte nell’arte.