Risultati di ricerca
RMA Sandhurst is the world-leading military training academy for all officers in the British Army. Learn how to apply, join a UOTC, get a bursary, or contact the Sandhurst Trust.
- Leadership, Security, and Warfare
Who we are. Academic study is an integral part in developing...
- Army Officer Insight Events
Tour of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS) Speak...
- Sandhurst Trust
The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS) is the spiritual...
- International Engagement
International Engagement - Sandhurst
- Officer Training
At the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, you will conduct...
- Leadership, Security, and Warfare
Learn about the history, location, courses, and selection process of the British Army's initial officer training centre. Sandhurst is the national centre of excellence for leadership and trains cadets from the UK and overseas.
La Reale accademia militare di Sandhurst (in inglese Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, RMAS), anche nota semplicemente come Sandhurst, è l'accademia per la formazione iniziale degli ufficiali dell'esercito britannico.
Learn how to become an effective leader of soldiers at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, the UK's premier officer training institution. Find out about the courses, exercises, international engagement and the Sovereign's Parade at Sandhurst.
Learn how Sandhurst, the world-renowned military academy, has trained the Army’s officers since 1802 and how military history has been part of their curriculum. Explore the origins, evolution and challenges of Sandhurst and its cadets through objects and stories.
Learn about the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS), the British Army's officer training institution since 1947. Discover its origins, buildings, courses, and achievements through the Sandhurst Trust's website and book.
Learn about the origins, development and achievements of the British Army's officer training school since 1802. Book a historical tour to explore the buildings, chapels and statues of this iconic site.