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  1. › our-schools-and-colleges › rma-sandhurstRMA Sandhurst | The British Army

    The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS) is where all officers in the British Army are trained to take on the responsibility of leading their fellow soldiers. During training, all officer cadets learn to live by the academy’s motto: ‘Serve to Lead’.

  2. The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS or RMA Sandhurst), commonly known simply as Sandhurst, is one of several military academies of the United Kingdom and is the British Army's initial officer training centre.

  3. La Reale accademia militare di Sandhurst (in inglese Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, RMAS), anche nota semplicemente come Sandhurst, è l'accademia per la formazione iniziale degli ufficiali dell'esercito britannico.

  4. Regular Officer. Training at Royal Military Academy Sandhurst lasts for 44 weeks, broken down into three 14-week terms. Between each term, there are adventurous training exercises and 2-3 weeks of leave. • Term One focuses on basic military skills, fitness and decision making.

  5. The first officially sanctioned military college was the Royal Military Academy (RMA), Woolwich, established in 1741 by the Royal Artillery. The RMA focused on the rapidly advancing technical skills that artillery officers required, teaching maths and science as well as more military subjects.

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  6. A short history of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. Up until the end of the Eighteenth Century there was only formal training for British Army Artillery and Engineer officers, leaving the majority as, at best, ‘gifted amateurs’.

  7. The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS) was formed in 1947. The primary purpose of the establishment was the training of Officer Cadets to become regular commissioned officers in the British Army.