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    relativo a: Sammy Davis Jr.
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  1. Sammy Davis Jr. nel 1972. Samuel George Davis Jr. (New York, 8 dicembre 1925 – Beverly Hills, 16 maggio 1990) è stato un cantante, ballerino, attore e comico statunitense.

  2. Sammy Davis Jr., a versatile and dynamic singer, dancer and actor who overcame extraordinary obstacles to become a leading American countentertainer, died of throat cancer yesterday at his home in Los Angeles.

  3. 5 ott 2020 · Fatto sta che, poco dopo queste minacce presunte, Sammy Davis Jr. convola a nozze con Loray White, cantante di colore e sua ex fidanzata.

    • Vittoria Meloni
    • Digital Brand Officer Elle.It
  4. Actor: The Cannonball Run. Sammy Davis Jr. was often billed as the "greatest living entertainer in the world". He was born in Harlem, Manhattan, the son of dancer Elvera Davis (née Sanchez) and vaudeville star Sammy Davis Sr..

    • January 1, 1
    • Beverly Hills, California, USA
    • January 1, 1
    • 1.64 m
  5. 3 apr 2014 · Sammy Davis Jr. was a highly popular actor, comedian, singer and dancer. He was also part of the Rat Pack with Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin, with whom he starred in several films.

  6. Sammy Davis Jr. was often billed as the "greatest living entertainer in the world". He was born in Harlem, Manhattan, the son of dancer Elvera Davis (née Sanchez) and vaudeville star Sammy Davis Sr.. His father was African-American and his mother was of Cuban and African-American ancestry.

  7. 29 lug 2024 · Sammy Davis, Jr., American singer, dancer, musician, and entertainer. He encountered virulent racial prejudice early in his career, but he endured to become one of the first African American stars to achieve wide popularity.

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    relativo a: Sammy Davis Jr.
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