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  1. With Johnny Depp, Jim Jarmusch, Iggy Pop, Eugene Hutz. Born with a silver spoon, Jonathan Shaw chose, at the height of his career as a tattoo artist, to give up on his celebrity lifestyle in order to escape from his own vicious cycle.

  2. Scheda film Scab Vendor: The Life and Times of Jonathan Shaw (2022) | Leggi la recensione, trama, cast completo, critica e guarda trailer, foto, immagini, poster e locandina del film diretto da Lucas de Barros, Mariana Thome con Johnny Depp, Jim Jarmusch, Iggy Pop, Eugene Hutz

  3. Scab Vendor is the inside scoop about the growth of tattoo culture from something bikers and sailors had to something rock culture brought into the mainstream. Through colorful illustrations of Shaw’s tattoos, the tapestry of the skin and instrument of the needle write their own story.

  4. Scab Vendor is a feature film documentary about the life and adventures of Jonathan Shaw. A legend in the tattoo industry and underground arts community, the film delves deeply into Shaw’s psyche and his major career shift to reinvent himself as an iconic underground novelist.

  5. Synopsis. Born with a silver spoon, Jonathan Shaw chose, at the height of his career as a tattoo artist, to give up on his celebrity lifestyle in order to escape from his own vicious cycle.

  6. Come guardare "Scab Vendor: The Life and Times of Jonathan Shaw" su Netflix e altri servizi – tra cui opzioni gratuite.

  7. Born with a silver spoon, Jonathan Shaw chose, at the height of his career as a tattoo artist, to give up on his celebrity lifestyle in order to escape from ...